
There’s not enough eye rolls in the world to reply to your statement.

I hate it when apologists excuse bad behavior because of assumptions.

She does not have BPD. NPD, maybe, because she’s obsessed with approval. BPD is relationship focused, and the disorder worries more about being loved and rejection. NPD is status focused, needing the best, being the best, and validation. Ramona rarely gives two shits about love, she only cares about her status within

The man is stupid and power hungry enough to pardon all for any future or past crimes.

Keanu and Winona have the worst chemistry. She needs a bad guy archetype, not the stoner trying to be a superhero.

HUGE typo...

It’s more than just the small crowd, Trump was pissed that so many left during the speech when he starting ranting. There weren’t many people left at the end.

You forgot the devastation to the coffers that John 1's wars caused (aka the Crusades), and the Magna Carta response.

To be honest, if GRRM is following the War of the Roses, we need a distant relative (Owen Tudor) and his wife of questionable origins to ascend the thrown after everyone’s done killing each other. Sam works. The Starks are the Beauforts, and the Targaryens are the Yorks/Plantangents. They end up ruling the north after

I wish that someone on Jez would cover the fact that the pardon for Arapio was a test ground to see exactly what Trump could get away with in the land of pardons. He’s trying to see if he can pardon his family and cronies in the Russia debacle.

And a raging alcoholic. He’s had a couple of DUI’s in NV, but had them erased before trial.

Not love, it was his arrogance that he had out played the Starks again.

It was Tyrion seeing himself being displaced again. Dany’s going to look towards Jon, and will ignore him.

And since when is “normal life” a farm with horses and a garden? That shiz is expensive and a dream for a lot of us normals.

Lightly staffed? There’s no human in charge of FEMA right now.

Swans are worse. Bigger, dumber, and meaner.

Racism= power to discriminate and keep from opportunities. What fucking power do POC have in the US?

The big kicker is club teams. Some high school coaches will “help out” as they aren’t allowed to coach, the local club team, making sure the best kids are getting extra practice. At Catholic schools in state winning programs, forget about trying out unless you’ve spend all off season on club. That’s where the real

Jason Lee left about 2 years ago. There’s some video rants he posted about what Scientology did his kids, and why he left.

WHA!!! And I missed it!?