
Rosiland Russell is the absolute best.

No. The clip and the article left out how she was already freaked and defensive due to the trick being a failure and Howie genuinely yelling at her selfishness.

The joke was meant as a burn to the soon to be ex. Mel B just didn’t want her divorce brought up.

The article also gives some other disturbing info. Apparently she ran into the girl in the video from the 2008 case at his house, and that girl’s best friend. Makes a huge case that R. Kelly grooms for the long term, and his grooming kept him from being convicted.

How devastating. Hope you’re doing alright.

She’s got that actual paying gig with Kayta on real TV.

You haven’t followed Milk at all, have you? He’s so amazing and subversive. Valentina will go home long before Milk will.

You forgot about the biggest get of them all...Willam!!!

Not quite. She’s got dragons and everyone wants her to fuck her nephew.

You’re comment completely erases Nehru and his strong, nearly equal contribution to India’s independence.

Fuck off. They had the right to counter protest, they were far out numbered by the white nationalists.

Like most the females in her family?

Do you even know a thing about what Jeffree had said or done?


But...but... Antifa. All my not biased at all right wing sites have told me they are the true terrorists.

Then they will do what they do most of the time anyways, not vote. Then complain on the internet about the evil demo taking jobs/money. I kinda miss that world.

I disagree with the other commenters. These are mostly men who are just privileged enough to have it okay, but not quite enough to have everything they want, and honestly believe they deserve everything because they are white men. They just truly lack empathy, and are mired in self pity.

You’re ignoring the fact that the right calls EVERY fucking group that fights for equal rights Antifa. BLM? Antifa. Feminists? Antifa. Unionists? Antifa. Go out and protest for immigration rights? Antifa. Protest a cop killing? Antifa. Any one in the resist movement? Antifa.

I’m grey, so you probably won’t see me, but I’ve been reading RedPill for awhile. It started after I was following the Russian influence on the election mid Sept, because so many of those believing in the Russian propaganda were “redpillers.”

Late Sept. When the budget has to be done and the debt ceiling must be raise or the world’s economy will not be pleased.