
I agree. No one should be eating that much dog. Vin Disel must be very annoyed.

I hate cereal

Thank you. This whole election has triggered somethings in me.

So completely off topic just to bitch? Got it!

Um...I’m long waisted and even high rise jeans fit me like Bella’s, right below the belly button. In low rise, I can have as much as 4 inches between jean and belly button.

A Disney kid

I do. They are also sovereign citizens, and my dad communicated with them on the regular when he was alive. My dad was an agnostic and would separate the extreme religious views of his fellow sovereigns from their extreme political beliefs. They are also loosely tied with Richard Spencer’s group, whom my dad would

Scottsdale PD is almost the worst (Gilbert has that distinction). Then have a very fancy jail and no real criminals to fill it with. Without indiscriminate DUI’s and a massive lack of urban transit they’d actually have to cut their budget. The horror.

Enquirer. I have issues with spelling and I should have been more careful

I’m just curious, but do you know about the Bundys and their struggle against protected land? They are the worst kind of ranchers, free rangers, and have been trying to fuck up protected land for years. They believe environmental protections are an affront against God and that they stop God from providing.

Pendulums swing, and they swing historically. Even my right leaning students are more liberal than I am. And they will all be able to vote in 2018.

I don’t know if you read about it, but they also did irreparable ecological damage to the area. They rode over sweet grass, which is extremely fragile and very hard to grow. They cut paths through vegetation, they cut down fencing, they dug random holes. They set back restoration efforts in the area.

I know, and it’s pathetic the way NI kissed his ass. I wonder what prize Trump’s got in store for his loyalty.

I agree it’s going to take awhile, but they will sue first. This family’s going to have so many lawsuits that are against public interest. Trump will change how we disseminate information about public figures in the media.

Republicans are waiting to see how people respond to Trump once he’s in office, which isn’t unfair. I’m not ignoring all of the stupid cabinet choices, his insane 100 day proclamation, or his refusal to deal with the media. But the quiet Trump supporters still think that he needs a chance, and think he’s been vilified

I refuse to be as pessimistic as you. Before you correct me, your article said “could” flip, and you are ignoring the fact that it’s extremely unlikely that Trump will not do something that will alienate Republicans further. The fake news very much could go anti Trump if none of his promises take hold, all the while

Yes. I’m surprised Jez hasn’t covered it.

Gaslighting as it’s finest. And the centipedes will be begging for more. They love their Stalin!

It won’t happen. For some reason the tabloids are protective of the Trumps, especially the National Inquirer. Along with the NDA’s everyone who is close to the Trump family is signing, the family’s refusal to talk to the press unless it’s to propagandize, and the fact they are so sue happy, it will be very hard to

Or get their daddy’s live in general.