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    Ahhh, great, thank you. Yeah, they're a good pairing, it often shows off a different side of Finch especially.

    "Finch and Burke"? I can't figure out/remember who Burke is…

    I wholly recommend it. It's merely okay for the first six episodes or so and then quickly and consistently escalates in quality for the rest of the series.

    Can't AVClub/Disqus just auto-delete all comments that include those symbols? They all seem to have them.

    Giving female characters clumsy exposition is mansplaining?

    If this was supposed to be a sexy moment for the straight male audience, it's a huge misstep. It's a woman doing lip sync to an irritating song while unable to keep a straight face.
    I suspect Allison Janney did it once at a party, everyone humoured her and told her it was great/sexy, and it became a thing she did to

    You really do not have to watch SCC or any other Terminators, they're all ropey. (You may want to read Robocop Vs Terminator by Frank Miller though, that's pretty sweet.)

    I managed to get my copy of LOTR signed by Lee and McKellen. It's an old edition so their autographs on the old yellowed paper look like an ancient Gondorian scroll or something, it's pretty sweet. As McKellen signed it, Lee already having done so, I said to him "the two wizards!" and he replied in a rumbling Gandalf

    He's really good in The Nines.

    This is how AVC always reports funny videos - you have to make sure to watch the video before reading the post as they usually spoil the entire thing.

    Needs a Baby Geniuses crossover

    Feathers McGraw!

    This is about as justified as the Thing prequel.

    I think this was Bubba's point, Ed.

    I thought Spy was awful, and I like McCarthy (and no strong feelings on Feig - The Heat and Bridesmaids were alright).

    Gah, I hadn't heard about this. That sucks, re-casting any of the 8 leads is a big blow to viewer investment in the characters and story.

    "Jim Henson's son"? Just say Brian Henson, everyone knows who he is!

    Michelle Ryan isn't in GoT…

    I hope he does an audio tour guide so visitors can pop headphones on and get a gleeful description from Del Toro on every one of the 500 pieces.