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    Linda Hamilton to complete the Sarah Connor set.

    Speaking of BKV, he and Marcos Martin have just released a WALKING DEAD one-shot exclusively online at PanelSyndicate.com. It's pay what you want, for a choice of PDF, CBR or CBZ.with no DRM, no encryption. I also recommend checking out Private Eye and the other stuff on there.

    I really enjoyed Avatar - the 3D was amazing (still one of very few films to do it well), it looked great and had some cool action sequences. I got it on 3D blu-ray and the 3D is still great on my 42" plasma. I probably watch it about once a year, normally when I'm drunk and want a load of splashy visuals. But take

    The article's focus is pretty firmly on the teenage actress, though. I had the same reaction as MLS - this seems rather out of place for an AVC item…

    I love this show. A friend introduced it to me and I binged the whole thing. I was crying with laughter for like two days straight. The pranks are almost totally aimed at the hosts' discomfort rather than members of the public, it's always inventive and the hosts' improv abilities are great.

    Between this and that Chucky doll one, these joke headlines are getting a bit clickbaity…

    Yayyy, he names The Fountain as one of the two best films he's done!

    Why is Millennium Falcon italicised? Are vehicle names usually italicised on AV Club?

    I never thought Bishop had a first name. I know why if he did it would possibly be Lance (assuming he follows most of the marines' pattern of all sharing their first names with eh actors playing them), but this isn't ever alluded to anywhere in the film, is it?

    Well, the umbrella term for people from the UK is "British", but I agree that a) it doesn't make sense and b) some may not like it. But at least they'd prefer it to being called English!

    I can't tell if you two understand the nomenclature or not but I figure I'll go into it anyway as I see plenty of people get it wrong:

    I remember either myself or my sister when we were very young loudly pointing out to our mum in a shop that one particular lady had a moustache. I cringe thinking about that today.

    Also, y'know, Frankenstein.

    McCown reports it as if it's not a bit, but surely he realises it is? Is he playing along, trying to make it a surprise that it's a bit?

    I don't know why he's getting all pissy about "what my tax dollars are paying for the police department to get up to." Sounds like they were very reasonable, plus they only stopped him because of the broken tail-light. If this guy had returned his rental in the first place or, failing that, made sure his car was

    To be clear, I'm fine with the word 'mansplaining' (although it's a bit clumsy-sounding). I get annoyed by people misusing neologisms to the point that they become meaningless almost as soon as they arrive. See also 'ret-con', 're-boot' etc.

    Goddammit, saying "you can't save the world by hating men" is not mansplaining how feminism works, it's expressing an opinion! I love you, AVC, but you sure do love to crowbar in buzzwords without knowing what they mean.

    What about me? I'm Spartacus.

    I've just been binging it for like 12 hours! Loving it. Kev Smith's always good, the ball-busting one with Olyphant, Mohr, Rappaport and Milch was hilarious. And yeah, Reynolds' anecdotes were brilliant.

    I've never heard of this show! There goes my weekend…