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    For anyone who can't be bothered to click the link, Anthony Cumia got suspended from Twitter not for calling Katie's newspost an "inaccurate shitpiece" but for hurling a load of transphobic, body-shaming, ageist mysogynist abuse at her.

    And they seem to have let up on Kevin Smith too. Who could be next?!

    Don't remember that, but possibly! I'm just going off the Wikipedia article…

    24: legacy isn't a reboot, it's a sequel/spin-off/whatever. It takes place in CTU a few years after Live Another Day and one of the bigger cast members will reprise their role (vague for spoilers, you can find out on the Wikipedia article). Just like Heroes Reborn wasn't a reboot and Empire Strikes Back wasn't a

    Classic Ira!

    I don't think you get to be called unfailing if you failed one time…

    To all those responding: regardless of being very good, how was it ground-breaking? (Not saying it wasn't, I'm just interested to hear.)

    "Oculus says it’s “open to porn” because it has an “open platform.""
    Uh, you may want to keep writing your own jokes, AVClub.

    Also, even if you include FvJ it only had 7 sequels (2, 3, 4, 5, Freddy's Dead, New Nightmare, FvJ)

    The UK govt plans to limit child tax credit (not child benefit) to the first two children, for any child born from April 2017 onwards. (Apparently "universal credit" is going to replace/combine the benefits system at some point and has already been rolled out in certain part of the UK, I assume it will have the same

    NO! First episode was pretty bad, second episode onwards is great. If you like episode 2, watch the rest, imo.

    Episode 1 is really bad, but it picks up immediately after that.

    "Say what you like about her, but Paris Hilton/Kim Kardashian/Katie Price is a savvy businesswoman" is the 'insightful' observation someone makes whenever one of them comes up in conversation, and it's such bullshit. They fluked their way into fame then proceeded to say yes to everything their manager stuck in front

    Iirc, Kline freezes at first then melts into the kiss. It's the first overt confirmation that he is actually gay.

    Right? "AV Club nobly reports on the barging in on the discussion around Prince's death."

    You're a dog, so obviously you wouldn't understand, but the people claiming that women could only possibly be cast in this movie for some pandering, political manoeuvre either do so because they hate women.enough that they can't imagine a world where they're cast on their own merits, or because they hate women and use

    As you point out, they aren't asking. So even leaving aside the death threats and shit, in your hypothetical situation Feig is minding his own business in public and these people are going up to him and telling him why his movie sucks. That is the d-bag move.

    The song parody is good, but having the word samurai in your song title is cultural appropriation now?

    The actor who played that shoplifter also played Argyle in Die Hard.

    Blues Brothers is ABSOLUTELY a classic.