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    Not sure how he could post this ironically…

    Could it be that they have the same lead voice actor?


    The conductor of that orchestra was a fan and contacted them with an offer to record a few tracks for them. I don't know if it cost them anything at all, never mind enough to pay someone to tell them not to do it.

    The UK doesn't have NC-17.

    Well, that 90 seconds of Starship Troopers "riffing" reminded me how desperately unfunny and dull Rifftrax is.

    If they don't know every frame off by heart, their justice system is truly broken.

    …not list'nin'!

    That top photo looks like Gollum to me, when he's telling Smeagol he hasn't got any friends or whatever.

    I doubt this will be a reboot - that would be pretty weird, the same actor playing the same character in the same fictional town (according to EW http://www.ew.com/article/2…, but redoing the story with him 25 years older.

    I like the doctor dialogue! And the dialogue in the weights scene works for the characters who are reserved and barely speak to each other and are tentatively working on building a bond in this scene. As for the orange man, or Maintenance, he's one of the dumb brute villains that Elijah told his mother about (as

    Do they play Pixies?

    iirc from the special features, that was already their second ending - they had a proper blood god show up or something, but discarded it. So I guess they never really figured it out. Still love that movie though!

    Yeah, I also like the text - it grounds the twist and lets us know that this doesn't turn into a big stupid comic book story. David reports Elijah like any normal person would, and he gets put away forever like any serial killer would. They don't start building secret lairs and doomsday machines and shit, David just

    Apart from which, it's hardly exclusive if it's openly available on Soundcloud…

    Robert Carlyle would never say "next goddamn year"!

    Really? I can't find that… The only clarification we get from the film as far as I can remember is that he was associated with a West German terrorist group who disowned him. Also the third film has his brother as an East German ex-military type.

    Well, I'd argue they're more memorable at least. EoT just feels like a rejected Bond title and I still have trouble remembering it unless it's right in front of me, whereas I can immediately remember AYNIK.

    Gruber was German, wasn't he? Or are you doing a joke about the conductor?

    If it were sarcasm, it woudn't make sense. The DC guy was saying they *want* to make their films consistent! That bit stood out to me as strange too - apart from the fact that we've only seen trailers, is Zack Snyder's Superman 2 really going to be that different from Zack Snyder's Superman 1?