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    I think it depends on the context as well, like they allow a lot more Ah fuck, I burnt my toast"s than they do "ooh, I wanna fuck her so bad"s.

    As a British citizen with a sense of humour, I applaud this quote.

    Also, the shot of a toilet flushing.

    It's a pretty common opinion - "Edge Of Tomorrow" is bland and unmemorable.

    Yeah, it means that as a scene cuts from shot to shot, you can keep track of where everyone is and where they're moving to. Especially valuable in action scenes, a lot of which nowadays are edited so quickly and covered with shaky-cam close-ups you can't tell what's going on.
    That said, Ratner's Hercules was so

    This was a good HateSong! The hater had good, thought-out reasons and didn't run out of stuff to say.

    Hey buddy, this ain't a virtual library.

    "waxing on about the beloved franchise" - you don't wax on about something. To wax means to grow or become (hence the moon waxing and waning), so you "wax lyrical", you don't "wax lyrically" (unless you're a singing candle-maker).

    *cough* if the Hill Valley Preservation Society gets enough donations, the clock will stay broken. It's that clown Mayor Goldie Wilson who wants to fix it.

    They derived Betacam from Betamax, but they are different and the two continued separately. It's Betacam that was/is used professionally, Betacam SP slowly phasing out in favour of DigiBeta(cam).

    He seems not to have realised that the reason they're doing a prequel is because they want a young person as the star. They're just chucking Bruce Willis bookend segments in purely to quell nerd-rage. Pitching another modern-day sequel with a handful of procedural flashbacks is pissing in the wind.
    Plus he says he's

    Wow, guess @Xanderpuss considered that too horrific…

    Why did they bleep that? And where did the "righ'?" go? THIS MAKES NO SENSE.

    I worked at a post-production place around ten years ago when we were commissioned to make a load of copies of Paradise Hotel, so I had to watch the series for hours and hours on end. "Ha ha Dave" was exactly my feeling when he got thoroughly and predictably screwed over.

    Too street.

    Is this available in the UK? It let me verify my age but then just left me with the background animation. I assume it's not, but the lack of message left me with a glimmer of hope!

    Utopia was NOT about a graphic novel that predicts major… oh, wait, never mind.

    "Group interview reveals JJ Abrams believes we are 'not alone in the universe' and was not responsible for hiring directors on Lost"

    (Suspicion: Sam got fooled by one of these fake stories once and reported it as true.)

    Apparently everyone, cast and crew, hated the Antwoord guy and Blomkamp has said he'll never work with him again. I wouldn't mind seeing the Antwoord woman in an Alien film as long as she's not stuck in a shitty maternal role again, she was cool.