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    If the shit fits, wear it. Move over, goddamn it!"

    Live Another Day was not a reboot!

    The joke is that meta is "hip" now (see the films you cited) and that the execs are trying to cash in on that by being 'down with the kids'. Katie is, I think, briefly adopting the persona of a slightly out of touch tv exec. An additional layer to the joke is that meta (or 'post-modern' as we used to call it) horror

    I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular beer.

    In Jason Goes To Hell, the townsfolk recognise his existence and cash in on it with hockey-mask burger patties and stuff, but it doesn't go any further into meta/"realism" than that iirc. It does fuck about with the lore though, by allowing Jason to possess other people and revealing him to be some kind of demon slug

    Even at the time the movie came out, I didn't understand that joke because I didn't think of Yahoo as a particularly massive and successful phenomenon. If only they'd said "Google"!


    Oof, yeah, it really should have been a Jason film rather than a TCM film.

    I just watched that recent one, Texas Chainsaw 3D, which tried to do some Devil'#s Rejects type stuff and was almost interesting, but wound up pretty silly. This sounds much worse.

    This reminds me of Now And Again, the show where John Goodman's brain was put in Eric Close's body or something.
    I worked on Eastenders (a Brit soap that Kazinsky was in) for a short while, and met Rob. He's a nice guy, so I hope this turns out well, but it sounds a bit ropey…

    Wow, this is an abrupt about-face. I don't see the bit where he's talking about making money off fan-films or suddenly sounding any more or less like a douche than he did a few days ago. Did you forget to include the damning quotes or something?

    Yeah, really. How is 'biker' outdated? We still have them! Sons Of Anarchy just made them even cooler!

    They were the style at the time.

    Doesn't Halloween 3 refer to Laurie Strode being killed in a car crash? So her having a new identity in H20 tied in with that?

    I think the fact that they don't react very strongly is a pointer to the idea that this isn't the first alien species encountered. It's the same trick the sequel pulls, where discussing "no indigeneous lifeforms" and xenomorphs and bug-hunts all suggest that they're not phased by the concept of alien life without

    This movie was pretty terrible. A giant derivative mess, and not in a fun way. Overly mythology- and plot-heavy, with action sequences verging on Transformers levels of bad.

    "We did, however, find 17 instances where pop-culture gave these inappropriate educators a hall pass to engage intimately with students to little or no consequence."

    I haven't seen it, but that 4 hour fan edit sounds like it made a lot of good choices. Might be worth googling and checking out (or perhaps wait until *that* gets fan-edited down to three hours)

    What's over 9000?

    Well Achilles, the funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock.