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    My Latin teacher told us that about twenty years ago…

    Both cheaty answers but: a hacked ED-209 or Ludo from Labyrinth.

    Hooray, someone at the AVClub is correctly referring to this as a sequel, not a reboot!

    Many Rogans died to bring us this information.

    Are you an X-ican or an X-ican't?


    What are the big differences? What's the "big idea" that Soderbergh says he needed to justify it?

    Seems your opinion is not so unpopular! I disagree, though - Scrooged is a fantastic film. Cleverly modernised, great dialogue and performances, hugely rewatchable, touching but not treacley.

    I love Sarah Silverman but this sounds a bit too much like The Invention Of Lying: The TV Show!

    The Tab one and the robot-child one were mind-blowingly good, but all of them really.

    If I'm going to settle for Ghostbusters II, it had better at least be the Venkman suit.

    I get Jake Johnson and David Krumholtz mixed up.

    Sorry if this has already been discussed, but who was that woman with the trolley, looking for change in the vending machine? I remember her being revealed as someone's crazy, estranged relative or something in a nice little twist at the end of an episode aaaages ago, but I can't remember the details.
    EDIT: okay,

    Why does this article refer to it as supposedly lost, and "lost"? The Vanity Fair article doesn't seem unsure.

    Does AV Club have a policy of ruining the best bits of any embedded video in the post that exists purely to show it to us?

    Oh no, @avclub-6f611188ad4a81ffc2edab83b0705d76:disqus ! Please don't start doing these pointless spoiler-items. It's not news, it's just telling us what's going to happen in an upcoming show for no reason. If you really feel the need to do it, at least keep that shit out of the headline. What are you, io9?

    He was charged with causing death by dangerous driving, but was convicted of careless driving and fined $175.

    "That binary signal came from the moon."

    I was sure it was William Fichtner (especially taking into account his appearance in Dark Knight, and that it would also function as a reference to both Contact and Armageddon), then I checked imdb and was like "the Who dad from that Grinch movie?!"