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    Yeah, I had no issues with the sound. There was one scene where a couple of lines of inconsequential dialogue were drowned out by the score, which I took to be an interesting choice. The score can get noticeably loud, but not uncomfortably so. I'm with The Atlantic defense on this one.

    I thought this might be a test on Rife's part to see if anyone read the article or just rushed to the comments to post their opinions on Shyamalan.
    Either that or it's setting up a twist.

    Ah, okay, thanks. That bit I *did* miss! But it seems a few other people have found it confusing as well…

    Correction to your correction: Coop says "I knew a Dr Brand. He was a professor." She replies "What makes you think I'm not?"

    Hmmm, maybe Nolan needs to put in "Previously On"s every 15 minutes throughout, then.

    Yeah, it was very confusing. The second robot and the different ships and TARS having deactivated the auto-docking threw me.

    So in fact Nolan should have put *more* exposition in!

    "Who are you?"
    "I'm Dr Brand."
    "Oh, I knew a Dr Brand once."
    (she introduces him to her father, Dr Brand)
    "Dr Brand!"

    If a bathroom only has two urinals and one is taken, you should use the other urinal. Someone might need an urgent poo!

    I'd like to hear William Hughes' Saw diatribe. Perhaps a Run The Series article in the making?

    I'm just a misunderstood genius :(

    That's because you're writing the Friday 13th music out.

    If you'd left out that first sentence and posted this as a standalone comment, you would have got 300 likes easy.

    With A Vengeance is good fun, well worth a watch. 4 and 5 are terrible.

    The original Bleeding Cool article doesn't say the series will be based on the script for the third film, it says it "will revisit his intentions for the three films, or which two were made. Rewritten from scratch and telling one story, this will contain his original vision for the movies."
    Slashfilm have now updated

    Did you two read the article? Isis the dog is over 12 years old and ITV has said it's "an unfortunate coincidence"!

    Wow, that third party really went above and beyond in their wingman duties.

    Yeah, you try that next time you meet Freddy or Jason.

    I meant with a single rights holder rather than public domain stuff. I've thought of one example - the Peter Cushing Doctor Who films.

    Are there any other examples of a film and tv series with different continuities of the same character (in this instance Flash) being purposefully overlapped like this? (Assuming they intend the show to go on for that long, I guess.) I mean, it happens with film adap' and comic continuities all the time, obv, but this