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    So it's not a reboot, then, it's a sequel. Seems even the *writers* here don't read the articles!
    (I'm not sure you could 'reboot' a single-film adaptation of a novel anyway…)

    Yeah, I was surprised by those attributions. I was wondering if Sean was doing a joke that I missed…

    How was his line-reading?

    "A graphic novel that predicts major disasters" is from a pre-production Channel 4 press release, and is pretty misleading. So if you were put off by what sounds like a goofy, hackneyed premise, don't be.

    dude sean is using the term in the same way that han solo did…are you the guy who nitpicks star wars jokes without having seen the movies?

    The #1 Exercise That Accelerates AGING (Stop Doing It!)

    So "prequel series" is a typo, presumably?

    Oof, this feels like a bit of a hatchet job. Kevin Smith is making a low-budget comedy starring a mix of professional actors, friends and family members. He's been doing this for 20 years now, and has made a load of good movies (only Cop Out is really poor). Yeah, he's pretty self-indulgent, but not any more than

    I fail to see what that has to do with confusing nit-picking for critical judgement.

    That's the joke.

    Yeah, but you interpreted it as a joke about how the English have a shitty imperialist past. I'm saying I think it's a joke about how Americans have a very vague generalised knowledge of England. Perhaps we're both wrong!

    A running item could be spotting where they foreshadowed stuff and did show that they were planning ahead (even if that stuff sometimes feels retroactively planted) - the talk about two sides one light one dark, Hurley's joke about time-travel, etc

    That's not why at all, you idiot.

    SPOILERS - I assume a lot of it is because his mother died giving birth to him and his dad punished him for it through his entire childhood. Also, I guess secondary motivations were creating a sustainable community of Others and giving him a reason to interact with Juliet. Plus who knows how Smokey was manipulating

    I implore you to watch it one episode a day at the most (one a week if you can bear it). It's structured partly around cliffhangers and questions, and to blitz through it can kill a lot of that. (Unless you've already had everything spoiled for you, of course.) You'll find yourself itching to get home and watch the

    I think the use of Sony money rather than Kickstarter money is more indicative of Disney's level of faith in the latter, rather than DoubleFine's.

    I'm pretty sure it's part of a joke paragraph where Barsanti pretends to sum up the entirety of things you need to know about England.

    Yeah, same. I remember the batteries picture. If it's not the same guy, then he must have seen it on the internet and copied it…

    Yes! Just finished reading the novel for the first time, so this made me very happy!

    Just for information (which may have already been given, apologies if so), in the GOT season 1 extras, they say that they originally tried the Khal Drogo/Daenerys wedding night scene the way it was in the books, but the actors couldn't find a convincing way to switch from terrifying rape-threat to romantic and