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    And Limitless.


    He's dyslexic. His first drafts have always been like that.

    Peter Baynham had international success as a writer on Borat and others…

    Trivia Track: that prison guard is played by Hubert Selby Jr., author of the novel.

    Six tubes?! That's very nearly an armful!

    I agree with a lot of this article, but the bits about Spacey keeping his name off Se7en and the David Gale name thing just don't make sense and make the whole thing feel like a weird personal attack.

    Tasha picked a bad first example - Firefly is clearly doing it in a jokey way.

    "some unwitting remark that snaps me out of my funk and gives me the last-minute key to finding the solution" - this is how Castle solved every case in his first season. That show did subvert the "can you enhance that?" trope one time though.

    This site says both, though I'm not sure how trustworthy it is: http://home.earthlink.net/~… (seems I got my Desperado timeline a little off, too)

    I like that transformation/creature! Plus, it meshes well with the CG version when it gets shot. Some of the computer morphing effects look ropey now (Danny Trejo's death looks dreadful, though I seem to remember Selma Hayek's transformation holding up on a recent viewing), but agreed the practical effects are all ace

    That's the opposite of racism!

    iirc, Tarantino was paid to write it by KNB EFX as a showcase for their effects studio before Reservoir Dogs came out. They dusted it off after that and got his mate RR (who had directed him in Desperado) involved.

    Fuck's sake, Disqus. That was me asking you about the comedian, @avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus

    Does anyone have an image showing who Avery is in The Blues Brothers? I can't find one or spot him…

    Aw, so sweet. Plus, J August Richards as Kid At The Mall!

    Oh, I'm pretty sure JK Rowling is aware of the existence of Roald Dahl and all his books and ideas.

    Yeah, the last guy died in 2008, which made it possible if unlikely, which is why I covered myself by saying it might have been found in one of their desks!

    Anyone who watches half an hour of a show they don't enjoy just to have the upcoming episode of a show they do enjoy partially ruined for them is an idiot.

    I know this is being a little picky, but "veteran" suggests to me more than five years' experience! I was expecting it to be something found in one of the Nine Old Men's desk drawers.