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    He's just their shit-kicking, speed-taking, Beck-playing neighbour downstairs.

    His name's written all over his underwear.

    Matt Berry.

    I don't remember that phrase in Dork!, where does it show up? Eltingville?

    New Line = The Mask for me.

    Keith Allen didn't direct Twin Town, his brother Kevin did.

    Yeah, in the commentaries for both Zoolander and JASBSB the directors say that they had to go back and put in these big identifiers after test audiences were nonplussed, iirc.

    Yeah, wish we could have the audio clips of those.

    Yeah, wish we could have the audio clips of those.

    This is nitpicking, but I wouldn't class David Holmes as an Aronofsky collaborator. One of his tracks is on the Pi soundtrack, and that's it as far as I'm aware. Surely Clint Mansell would take that title?

    No way did they ever intend it to be purgatory. That was the incredibly obvious potential twist that everyone guessed at within the first few episodes.

    Not really, so I went to check out his review of the latest Supernatural episode. It was pretty much the same as any other I've read on AVClub - too dry with too much synopsis - but I agreed with his overall opinion. On the strength of that and this, I don't think he stands out as insufferable at all. Maybe I'm

    No Magnum pi, Noel?

    I re-read all four novels recently. I posted on a forum about it at the time, hold on *rummages*

    I think that was a joke.

    Oh come on, this is a perfectly well-written post. In a couple of days everyone will have stopped mourning the loss of the old news writer and started brown-nosing the new ones. "Oh ho, fabulous zinger, Dyess-Nugent! Nicely done, sir!"

    Have you tried The Exit List? It's a great idea, and the host looks like the drunk-off-stage/model-of-professionalism host from the Eurovision episode of Father Ted.


    Thanks Shih and Myth for the mentions and lobbying! Just to clarify, BTDT Special Edition is PWYW (£2 minimum), TGP is £3. But if you buy TGP on Steam, you get BTDT: SE for free.

    Thanks for the name-check and kind words, Seth! Both games are bundled on Steam for £3/$5ish, so you essentially get BTDT Special Edition free with TGP if you buy there anyway. No need for a filthy pirate site!