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    The Simpsons Comics get a lot of good writers in, like Evan Dorkin, Sergio Aragones etc, to give them a similar all-ages range to the show.

    Well, "no worse than Justin Bieber", then.

    Reply fail.

    "She pointed out that for many fans of things like Twilight, it isn’t about a real, earnest connection with the material, it’s about a connection with other people who like the same stuff, and who have the capacity to be a little silly sometimes, too. There’s a sense of belonging that comes with finding something in

    I've liked using "a-hole" since seeing Blades Of Glory. "Man, whoever invented rope must have been a real a-hole!"

    Tut, spoiler.


    It wasn't product placement: Fed Ex didn't pay anything, and in the movie SPOILERS their plane *crashes*. The filmmakers decided it would be more distracting and less immersive to have a fake Fed Ex-alike company all the way through.

    This review left out one vital detail
    What set of British laws led to the industrial revolution?

    Leonard Pierce should have been fired in December for that Joss Whedon misquote debacle.

    Over $15 000 now!
    Hope they throw in a Blaupunkt.

    Sam Adams
    did not understand the question.

    I understand the OP's point - you expect hosts of a video like this to either be explaining things to the viewer, or discussing things with each other. In this, they explain things to each other (and pretend that they don't know it all already).
    It's good to get the juxtaposed clips/posters etc all in one 5 min

    "there's about two scenes that had a Gondry feel to them" - also that one where *MINOR SPOILER Reid is mentally piecing things together MINOR SPOILER*.


    Terminal Velocity and something else, I think.

    Well now, Biff, I didn't notice any blind spot when I was driving…

    "My son RESPECTS me."

    The opening credits to Charlie And The Chocolate Factory always makes me want unrealistic-looking CG chocolate.

    Galaxy Quest
    When Tim Allen's character is painfully hungover, he drinks a can of Coke. It looks soooo refreshing and effective that I now always need one immediately when waking up the morning after.