
Everything with the robot replacements had me absolutely dying. Poor robot Morty.

Man, you people on the internet hate everything.

Going into this movie thinking it's Jane Wick is a mistake, and I was certainly let down. The story is much more convoluted and confusing, and the world is nowhere near as imaginative. The action set pieces are also few and far between… at least that's what it felt like.

The mayhem stops a lot in this one

Yeah this is part one

I'm hoping the jump scares AND LOUD NOISES are only for the trailer

Got it, that makes sense.

I think you're looking at it from the wrong angle. One of the reasons I like the show is for the way so much of the comedy touches on cosmic horror and the idea that none of us are significant or important in anyway. It's like a cartoon version of Rust Cohle's True Detective speeches. That's the "darkness" people

Why on earth is a large portion of this crowd cheering at his cues?

Is it wrong to just enjoy the final scene on a purely visceral level? I don't like Euron as a character, especially how he's introduced so late in the show without making him a real composite with Victorian, but hey, that was a totally chaotic and violent battle and it was really fun to watch IMO.

Yeah, agreed! I also thought that was a strange take on it. Maybe because of the hard cut to the pie?

Interesting… I saw the movie as a thrilling experience, but I didn't have nearly enough emotional attachment to be moved when Zimmer's score changed

Do not assume all his neighbors are super wealthy. I looked up this address and I live only a few blocks away. My roommates and I rent, my neighbors rent, all the people I know in the neighborhood rent. And a good percentage of the houses have 3-4 apartments in them (not his, which is a more modern, McMansion style).

I enjoyed this movie, but I was surprised how slow and subdued it is, considering the action of the previous film and the ads all over my city that simply say WAR in big, red letters. I especially liked the first 30 minutes, however I hated the plot point they introduce about halfway through…

Got it, I can't really disagree and say it's a premise that really gets me fired up. This new trilogy does have a significantly different set-up and story than the originals from the 60's/70's, though

In what way, exactly? All three movies are entertaining, well-reviewed, and made/will make a ton of money.

Agree about the middle book

I don't remember the clown mask from the book, but even if it was a prominent prop, I disagree. King writes with so much damn joy nowadays, it really comes through in his writing. The trilogy spawned by Mr. Mercedes, while often featuring dialogue that was corny as fuck, was intense, fast, and fun. The second book,

"Boring" is the key word here. I think it looks gorgeous but it's such a snooze.

Is that a newer thing? I'm from CT, but used to drive around NYC all the time in high school.