
But Jon didn't lose Ghost…the show just forgot Ghost existed.

TBH I'm glad to see that some of my logic gripes with the episode are echoed in this comment section, where as the newbie review comments are 95% "OMG ZOMBIE DRAGON!!!"

I know it got lost in the dense episode that followed, but I just want to show appreciation for the Morty Adventure card and Morty stamps.

I loved this episode, enjoyed it more than last week by a mile, but the thing that feels off for me this season is how BIG every episode is from the opening frame. I guess I was so used to the majority of episodes starting in the Smith house and expanding organically into lunacy (or this is the first season I've

I like this idea

Triumph is like a 6 minute adrenaline rush for me. The beat is so hard, and every verse contains infinite quotables.

No Said Date finally came to Apple Music so I've been playing it a lot recently…it's such a good album! One of the best late-stage Wu releases

Plus I believe Bronn shouted, "GET OVER HERE!" when he shot it.

Damn, you must be an insanely boring person if you consume all fiction with the inability to empathize or find interest in anyone but "the GOOD GUYS".

@disqus_16TILhPrSh:disqus this is the absolute worst explanation

Smug Arya getting kicked in the chest was definitely satisfying.

But we know why he did that!

Ahhh, interesting. I don't remember the book too much, but I've seen the movie 20 times. I guess I just assumed the cop just sort of got the drop on him and he was confident enough to know he'd escape. But that makes sense.


Wait, when does Chigurh deliberately incapacitate himself…?

"Aidan Gillen gets a lot of flak for this performance…"

Plus that stand-on-the-horse-and-leap-over-the-lines move was v effective.

When the episode ended, I mentioned Jaime was my favorite character, and the room of people I watch with turned on me as if I said i was pro-North Korea. Am I the only one who roots for Jaime? Am I on an island???

I wasn't totally sold on the pilot, but kept watching and I really enjoy it. I think Bateman carries it. He's fantastic. My main complaint is how damn BLUE everything is.

The showdown with his trainer where he uses the hawk as a weapon is also fantastic, and the book was saturated with tons of cool mythology