

This just made my day! I love Big and Little Edie and watch Grey Gardens about once a year. I’m fascinated by them.

The Trump administration weakens food protections, and we get multiple, successive, multi-state outbreaks of things that can kill you. Coincidence??

It’s depressing to have to root for incompetent evil just because the alternative is competent evil.

A jerk after my own heart!

This is a poem that sums up so much of this experience:

THANK YOU. Seriously. I’ve probably read eight reviews of this movie and still had no clue what it was about. And every one kept alluding to something “really shocking” in the second half. I have a kid and seriously cannot deal with stuff like the imagery you described, so genuine thanks for saving me $12 Bc I

Can’t they hire a just in case babysitter to take the kids as a contingency plan here? I mean, I know it doesn’t solve the assholery of the sister in law, but it could save the day?

Source: Me. My son was less than 2 months old when I left my ex-husband. I was about 7 months pregnant when I found out he was having an emotional affair with a coworker of ours. I moved in with my in-laws, who knew the reasons behind our split.

I have my popcorn out and ready for this comments section.

I’m telling you, though, that wedding registries exist for one reason: relatives.

I keep thinking I’m going to wake up.