
As a former single mom and creative, I appreciate this piece. I feel like there are not a lot of representations of us in the media even though there are so many of us out there! I sometimes wonder if there are so few portrayals of single moms/works by actual single moms because...we’re all just so dang tired. 

Oh true, I totes enjoyed the musical! It made more sense to do a musical than another movie I think.

I loved the original Grey Gardens, as problematic and sometimes hard to watch as it was. (I was less impressed by the recent remake, which made no sense to me; why remake a documentary, with actors playing people who were just being themselves?!) I would love to see this new footage.

I have neuromas (nerve pain between my metatarsal bones) and wearing basically any shoes for longer than a few minutes (unless I’m standing, which fortunately is fine) is super uncomfortable for me. My feet scream “TAKE THE SHOES OFF NOW!” It sucks. So, I’m with you: no shoes please

As a single mom of a toddler who works full time, I appreciate the fact that this article was written, but also found it kind of glib and patronizing.

Wait. Are you me? Samesies on all counts including the 3 y.o. son (but divorce still pending), job I love, live in NYC. We should be friends.

Yes, this was my thought, if she HAS to be there. It’s an annoying inconvenience, but hire a childcare person or two to keep the kids busy and out of the way. Maybe there’s even another room where they could watch the kids.

I watched all of 30 Rock twice while pregnant and living alone in a different state from my then-SO (if you wonder why a couple lives apart when one person is pregnant, the answer is we are now divorcing lol). I used to wonder if the baby was going to come out thinking Alec Baldwin was his father because that was the

Oh man. This is very similar to my situation (part time/weekend dad) only the kid is only 3 right now. I am doing the best I can and neeeever say anything bad about Daddy to him. But I hope that someday he realizes the truth about what went down and his father’s flaws, but is smart enough to not let it ruin his life

I was in a play space with my toddler recently and a dad came in with his two kids and was sheepishly like, “Mom’s off getting a manicure this morning, so here I am.” I was so annoyed that he saw the need to qualify the reason he was taking care of/spending time with his own kids. I’m a mom and it would never occur to

I was in a play space with my toddler recently and a dad came in with his two kids and was sheepishly like, “Mom’s off getting a manicure this morning, so here I am.” I was so annoyed that he saw the need to qualify the reason he was taking care of/spending time with his own kids. I’m a mom and it would never occur to

All of Iliza Shlesinger’s Netflix specials are also amazing!

I pay $435 a week for full time daycare for my 2yo. That’s around $22k a year. No meals provided. Granted, I live in NYC. But I’m also a single mom who works full time and gets no financial support from my ex. So, I live paycheck to paycheck like most of us. This shit is hard and I wish they’d fix it.