Agent Lumen

“Islam seems to operate as both a religion and a culture and I believe that is the reason why (American) Christians often can’t relate.”

I will never understand why a book is needed for you to live your life in a way where you espouse the message of love, grace and peace. I’d say I’m a pretty solid human being and supportive of all without a day of church or a text written by some guy thousands of years ago that is supposedly the word of god. I find

I’m an AfAm atheist. Much of our cultural is inextricably intertwined with Christianity. It’s so infused in the West, and by extension in us. Even though we weren’t formal members, community and social activities took place in churches. Dad doesn’t believe, but sings the old hymns. I even have copies of the Bible and

That’s the thing, though. Some do. And what happens to those that do allow for metaphorical and divergent interpretations? They get criticized, outcast, slandered, and sometimes even murdered for it. Because they’re pushing back against the very ideas that keep certain groups in power. Of course they’re not going to

This is an issue I have with the religious (mainly people claiming to be Catholic) people on my facebook, posting anti-Muslim hate. They act like the Crusades never happened, that we’ve always been this idealic religion of peace. Pfft.

Instead, far from merely “not letting” these interpretations, gays are beheaded, hanged, flogged, beaten and murdered.

Be prepared to be offended religious peoples. Most religions are written by men who through politics, supersitition or devotion to a belief in a divine power, created foundations of social values for their people. Whether they truly believed or it appeared to them in a dream or whether they congregated and agreed upon

I’ve struggled with religion since I was a teenager and realized how much the Bible can be used to justify hate. When my pastors only made me feel their hateful interpretation was correct I bolted. I was agnostic for a very long time but in the last couple years I lean more atheist than not. I wouldn’t admit it to

My experiences are all with the Bible (atheist, but I was raised Catholic), but it is the same with any religion: you can’t have your cake and eat it too. Either it is the inerrant word of God, and you have to accept all the nastiest that it sometimes contains (yes, even the New Testament) or you pick and choose what

Counterpoint (and no disrespect intended): Like other “holy” books, the Quran is made up (by man) and should be understood in the context of the time and culture it was written in. Not saying it does not have a lot of beauty and truth about life, but to consider a book the inerrant word of God is how troubles start.

yeah, but money. I haven’gotten pregnant yet (thank fucking god). But my requirement for even considering babies is that I need a job that requires a degree first. I like your sense of humor.

because fucking condoms! Condoms are far more effective and help protect against STIs. And the issue with the pull-out method is that you have to really be diligent about it. It involves trust between partners and a lot of what I have seen is that in communities that involve a lot of stigma around sex focus

My mom got very drunk one night while we were playing Cards Against Humanity, and she got the pull-out method card. She ended up winning that round, and she gestured to my twin brother and I as she announced to my younger cousins that we are proof that the pull-out method does not work. Which was not news to us. But

Actually there was a paper on an HIV study that suggested that there isn’t usually sperm in precum. That’s not true of all men, and it’s definitely not true if you go to round two without peeing or cleanup, or if you’ve masturbated right before. But for many men, it is true, and for many situations, it does work. When

I do think a lot of it depends on body awareness— if the guy is super vigilant (cue that “Pull-Out King episode of Portlandia) and you’re very aware of your cycle it can work for a while. But those are pretty big “ifs” and if both of y’all are fertile myrtles I can confirm from personal experience that it is not a

and it also likely depends on the man. Some men tend to have a lot more pre-ejaculate than others.

For fuck snakes

I mean, maybe you are alone emotionally and whatnot, but in a more abstract sense, yknow.

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