
There was nothing hilariously stupid about Steven asking Taweret to get a message to Layla. Taweret is a god, with an avatar, and that would be well within her abilities. She was just seeing that the gods’ laws were being broken and Steven naturally thought she may break her own rules in that moment and offered a

It has been heavily implied that there is a third personality that is a lot more angry and brutal than Marc or Steven. Apparently in the comics there is a personality named Jake, so a lot of fans are assuming thats him.

I was thinking about this basically the whole episode after that scene, and the only thing that makes sense is Steven originally did not have full perception of his surroundings. So anytime his mom was abusive, Marc called in Steven who just blissfully coasted through it, unable to perceive what was truly happening.

it's pretty clearly taking heavy influence from Jeff Lemire’s run on Moon Knight which used the mental hospital as a reason to get some truly powerful insights into Marc as a character. not to mention the whole cliffhanger into hospital reality felt very Legion. I’d say those are much clearer reference points here

Fuck off and die, manson, you horrendous piece of shit. 

And the Joker ran away.


Peacemaker telling off the Justice League was probably my favorite part of the whole series. Except the opening credits. Here’s to a second season please!

As to the questions surrounding Batman and Cyborg, Gunn had to be more circumspect—not surprising, given Ben Affleck’s departure from the role, and Ray Fisher’s high-profile declarations that he’ll never work with Warner high-up Walter Hamada ever again over the studio’s treatment of his allegations of abuse during

Tell that to the Comics for the past decade+

The Snyder cult got so pissed off at the joke that they even went after Doom Patrol, convinced that their “On my planet, Cyborg means fish fucker” joke was aimed directly at Ray Fisher, with the more stupider people convinced it was in Peacemaker instead.

batman wasn’t shown but he got there eventually but after everyone left. the drive took a while. cyborg knew better in that they didn’t need the whole team to kill a giant alien cow that can’t fight.

Agreed, it was very self-contained and I really appreciated that.

“Fuck you, Barry.”

The butterflies hollow out the host’s skull to make room for themselves and take over. There is no saving the human’s life, they’re 100% dead.

I think the comics!Vigilante does have some sort of healing/regenerating powers so it does make a lot of sense that Vig is probably a meta and he is too dumb to realize it - he probably thinks that’s a normal thing, lol.

I realized while I was watching the penultimate episode that the “band of misfits” cliche has been around forever, but this is the first time I feel like I’m seeing the real thing. Like, THIS is what misfits are - dorks who truly have trouble making friends, for whatever various reasons. They’re not people who are so

Something I found a fascinating choice in the show was that at no point Peacemaker special. Don’t get me wrong, he was an elite fighter, but there were two similar ones in Harcourt and Vigilante in the same group. Of which to be frank, I would pick either as a more dangerous physical threat over Chris. All his

I can’t even express how amazing this show is (and the finale was).