
You don’t have to pay for Peacock. Just watch with the adds.

I should have stopped there too because she kept making dumb decisions that someone as smart and capable as she was supposed to be wouldn’t. They had her carry the idiot ball to move the plot forward multiple times. She was so poorly written. But then the entire show was poorly written.

Truly the strongest first season of any Trek show. I love this show, the cast and writing are so good. I hope we get many seasons of this crew.

The Lemire, Smallwood run was my introduction to Moon Knight. And honestly it was one of the best ways to start reading the character. Pulling from that run for the show will flip everything on its head and I cannot wait to see how they do it.

A bigot agrees with a bigot. News at Eleven.

Saga is the only comic that made cry. Twice. Both times because of the same character, joy and grief. Now that character is gone, and seeing the cover of the next issue just makes me miss him. I haven’t been that invested in a character in a long time. 

That was a such a great reveal in the comic. I met Tim Seeley at a con and told him I enjoyed the comic and the first thing he asked me was what I thought of sax man’s story. 

Considering one the main storylines is about a 13 year old temptress( she’s portrayed as very, smart, manipulative, and sexualized) who seduces the broken grieving man and then gives instabirth I would like to know how they’ll make the show as well.

Should have known it was Gregor when he gave that little laugh. I wonder if we’ll actually see what happens that makes him a little off by the time of Rebels. And Rex said he wasn’t a friend but by Rebels they’re living together.

The pandemic and a broken leg made my first and probably only purchase on Disney+ an easy decision. I really wanted to go see the film in theaters but it just didn’t work. 

We all have films we couldn’t wait to share with our kids. Aliens was one of mine. Its become a yearly tradition to have an Alienathon, and I am so glad my kid loves the films as much as I do.

One of my favorite moments is when Virginia Madsen’s character remarks on the large police response to the attack on her in Cabrini vs the small to nonexistent police response to the attacks on the residents. White privilege helped and protected her, and she knew it.

Yeah, I got to book 8 in that series, skimmed it, and never went back. After that everything I didn’t like about the series came to be what I remembered most. Its too bad. 


What are her cringe posts?

Years ago at Doctor Who Con I attended Noel Clarke told a story about Jon Barrowman whipping his dick out all the time on set, even over a woman’s shoulder while she was sitting down. He was in shock because Jon always “got away with it” and women would laugh, and say, “Oh Jon!”

The directors cut will include the zombie raping women storyline that the Snyder cult will insist is pure genius and must be shown.

Knowing the writers had a whole storyline where zombies are raping women to create human zombie hybrids was enough for me. But then that storyline was axed and I thought maybe I’ll watch it then. But the more I listen to Snyder talk about the film the less I want to see it. And I love zombie movies. Its a genre of

The artist made this for herself, She wanted to “spark debate,” and she got just what she wanted while ignoring the legacy of Mary Wollstonecraft.

Star Trek DS9, Voyager, BSG(there are only 3 of the reboot and they don’t look good), Willow, Galaxy Quest, another round of Goonies, Ladyhawk, Blade runner, Highlander-movie and show.