
They would have a much less chance of ever being seen again over there than here in the US, where people are willing to help return them to their families, and hopefully to their home country, where they can come legally. Stop acting like it is heartless and deaf to hug a child in a family moment. Ridiculous.

My protected white sister got her ass beat by two cops over twenty year ago. My Mom took photos of her bruises and tried to get someone to do something. Of course no one did. So no white girls have never been safe from state sanctioned beatings. I came across those photos of 18 year old 115 pound sister while digging

I was responding to the article IndianaJoan posted about the Catholic run hospitals here in the U.S.

They almost killed her, and they don’t care. The Catholic hospitals treat women like incubators. Its horrifying and happening all over the country.

Neither. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

Neither. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

Yeah, who cares about the case, the witnesses, the prosecutor’s and the judge’s statement. The facts just don’t add up when you want to believe the opposite. Jesus.

Absolutely there are. They literally live in an alternate reality soaked in lies and propaganda. His supporters really believe the undocumented are going to destroy America. They have no compassion or empathy and barely see illegals as human beings. That’s why they always use illegals instead of undocumented. The

I’m actually surprised nothing came out about him sooner. Love his voice and work, but he’s always been a creeper.

Film sets are not your typical professional environment. The crew is dressed casually, usually in weather appropriate clothing. So tank tops and leggings are not uncommon.

How she treated her writers was legendary. She didn’t even bother with their names at one point, she gave them numbers. But she is the exception. Most women labelled difficult have a hard time finding work. Whereas men aren’t difficult they’re passionate.

I am so sorry. As a mother i can only imagine the pain.

Single mothers are the root of all evil to the GOP. It’s not like they could pass laws that would help single mothers. That would be proactive. Instead they do everything the can to make life harder for them, and punish them for not being married. And when these women have to work two to three jobs to make ends meet

4 minutes for the two on site officers to engage the shooter, then an additional 25 minutes of exchanging gunfire before he surrendered. That’s what I read on another site.

You could not have demonstrated the stereotype of a Peterson acolyte more perfectly.

Yep. It’s always everyone else. Anyone who doesn’t agree with him or calls him out just doesn’t get it. They’re the problem not the charlatan whose making money hand over fist repackaging other people’s works and purposely misinterpreting them to create his brand of philosophy.  

He tells people to get their lives in order and stop blaming others while blaming others. He’s a whirlwind of contradictions which allows him to constantly tell others they are misinterpreting his work and words. All he did was take the works of others and roll them into a big ball of repackaged bullshit while