Thank you for posting the link. That was a great read.
Thank you for posting the link. That was a great read.
That just shows you aren’t paying attention. Because its those grandstanding conservatives who are passing legislation across the country to take away rights. But those are women, minorities, protesters and anyone that doesn’t fit the white Christian conservative, and wealthy mold. No one is taking away your precious…
She’ll have to straighten that hair. Curls are too...ethnic for Fox.
Weaponizing female privilege for political goals. That is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
And yet the government never gets any smaller when republicans are in power. I hear the small government line all the time but it only seems to mean cut money from programs that help people.
And not a single book in the Bible was written by the author it’s credited to, not a one. Endless contradictions? The many books contradict on another constantly. There is absolutely nothing original to Christianity. It’s all taken form earlier religions, all of it, and repackaged as the word of God. Even Jesus being…
At my appointment this morning my doctor told me the insurance companies are denying almost everything they’re ordering for their patients that isn’t routine. If they send their patients to a specialist and the specialist orders the tests the insurance company covers it, that is if they cover the patient going to a…
Be cool it will all work out is all he needed to tweet. I am now chill and fully confident it will all work out. Seriously, who tweeted that?
Be cool it will all work out is all he needed to tweet. I am now chill and fully confident it will all work out. Seriously, who tweeted that?
The greys are fun.
Yes, the Americhristians are hell bent on making it a Christian theocracy. Not being an American and living in states where Christian extremists control the legislatures, trying to inflict their oppressive beliefs on others I can understand, to a point, your doubt and disbelief. So instead of mocking, maybe learn…
In the book the architects of Gilead got rid of everyone who wasn’t white, but the producers of the show went with the idea that they were so desperate for fertile women and babies that color wouldn’t matter.
How nice that you’re in a position to ignore the reality so many of us are living. Here’s a tip, don’t click on the article. Instead of making sure everyone else knows and caters to your needs and desires just don’t read it. It is so, so easy.
So you’re a racist who fetishes Latina women because they treat men like men deserve to be treated. You’re as disgusting and fucked in the head as the incels. Congratulations.
So that’s why I keep double posting. Thanks. My mouse has been driving me crazy. Time to replace.
Is this really surprising? Look at his most famous clients. He has no scruples and will sell himself to the highest bidder.
Is this really surprising? Look at his most famous clients. He has no scruples and will sell himself to the highest bidder.
This right up there with the conservative freak out over the boys scouts. They are short wiring over the horror of girls being included. And these are the people that like the trigger the so called liberal snowflakes. The cognitive dissonance never ends.
I am not familiar with Lee Jun Ki.
Red Angel is a troll.