Red Angel is a troll.
Red Angel is a troll.
They survived because Thanos only killed half of them. The birthday ship was still attached so again I’m assuming they were allowed to fly away with Valkyrie and Korg. The moment his ship showed up dwarfing theirs we knew they were screwed. Again. But if things play out as I think they will it sets up a solid story…
How does it undermine Thor Ragnarok? This film literally picks up where Ragnarok ended? Yeah, Loki and Heimdall are a bummer, but my assumption is Valkyre and half the survivors are alive. Thor says, he killed half my people. So not sure how Avengers undermined the the film.
Well then, the digging in makes sense. Thanks.
Well then, the digging in makes sense. Thanks.
Why are you digging your heels in on this one? She. Is. White.
Hmm. I wonder why women on a supposedly feminist site take a hard line when it comes to rape. It’s a conundrum.
Holy crap. That was a horrifying thread to read. These laws, everywhere, were written by and for men. Women have to have broken bones, black eyes, and be curled up in a corner tearing their hair out for men to believe they were raped. It is so true, it’s a man’s world.
She’s white.
Except Michelle was telling the truth whereas trump is a pathological liar who the right makes endless excuses for.
Getting seriously tired of, oh but the poor trump supporters aren’t racist, bigoted, misogynists and its wrong to label them that way, that’s why trump won and all that crap. Those voters decided his racism, bigotry, misogyny, and well documented screwing over of others was acceptable. They chose him to be the…
I’m not saying he wasn’t mentally ill. I was responding this:
People ignore misogyny. The authorities ignore misogyny. Did Rogers have mental issues? More than likely, absolutely, yes. But brushing off his hatred of women and labeling him insane doesn’t help. It completely ignores the deeper issues effecting society as a whole. These men find each other on internet forums and…
No, they hate women. They’re misogynists. Pulling out the mental illness card just lets them off the hook for their misogyny, which is what everyone did when Rogers went on his killing spree.
Men like to terrorize teenage girls online. It gives them a rush of power to make crude sexual comments, and in your daughter’s case send dick pics. My daughter has a youtube channel. She’s a gamer and makes lists about her favorite games. She has a modest following of almost 6000 subscribers and loves interacting…
My sister got beat to hell by two cops when she was 18. She was drunk and being belligerent was my stepmother’s explanation, as if that justified beating the crap out of a teenager that weighed maybe 115 pounds. That was over twenty years ago. The cops have only gotten worse, and it will surprise no one that my…
Who said it was finished? And no one on this site celebrates the life and works of Woody Allen or Roman Polanski. We want all rapists to rot in hell. Including Cosby. And easy to convict? Are you high? Have you paid any attention to this case? That is why she posted finally.
The swastika is on temples, statues, and all sorts of religious imagery all over Asia. They do not associate it with Nazis.
I hope you’re right. I really do. I don’t have that faith in the jury made of humans who routinely judge women way more harshly then they ever judge men. The defenses “saintly” witness is enough to give the jurors reasonable doubt, and that’s all it takes.
I’m tired of zealous representation equaling calling women lying whores out to make money. I’m tired of women being raked over the coals and every minute detail of their lives being torn open and twisted to make them look like evil harpies out to ruin men’s lives. That isn’t a zealous defense its misogyny, and yet you…