
My husband and I watch Seth hoping to see Amber in a segment. She is the reason we watch the show.

My absolute favorite Drunk History! She is so funny, and I learned about Claudette Colvin who I’d never heard of before. Drunk History has done that a lot in fact. Introduced me to some people we should all know about, while making me laugh my ass off.

Because republicans have become the party of hating liberals, and nothing more. As someone who spends a lot of time online this doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Hating liberals has reached a fever pitch thanks to the rightwing establishment. They’ve gotten exactly what they wanted.

That’s all you got? I mean, I feel slightly let down by your response. I know you’re an approved instigator and all, but I expected a little more. This is lazy and down right pathetic. But then that’s you isn’t it? Pathetic through and through.

You must be jacking off incessantly to this. Vile is a perfect descriptor for you.

Screw her for using Invictus in a post about that want to be strong man Assange.

What a wonderful and thoughtful man. If only all our grandfathers looked at the world and saw the truth of it, for women and men. Thanks for posting, it was the first thing I read in the past few days that made me smile.

The fact that you equate Emmett Till with Bill Cosby is beyond shameful and means you don’t give a shit about justice. So go fuck yourself.

But I didn’t get Cosby should be acquitted from the comment. GovtMinion was glad the jurors didn’t let the constant coverage make their decision for them and they’re deliberating the evidence. That’s a good thing. Cosby is a predator and should be held accountable but the jury should also do its job. I have little to

I don’t know why anyone would come after you with pitchforks for this. I was actually surprised the jury didn’t come back with a not guilty verdict the next day because he’s Cosby, and because of all the standard victim blaming being laid at Constand’s feet. And most of all, the gendered belief that women cannot be

I’m sorry what? Did you just jump to the conclusion that I’m judging people, telling people how to live and what to like, and being a dick from my two sentences? Not sure how you got all that from me posting the coats side by side and saying she obviously saw the original, I mean duh, and that I kind of wanted the

The Romanian and Tory Burch coats. I had to look them up and wow, it really is almost identical, there’s no way she didn’t see the original. And I’m not going to lie, I kind of want it.

You’re team the woman who lost custody of her because she was an abusive mother? And Ariel isn’t lost, she knows exactly what she’s doing, which is why the courts emancipated her from that monster of a mother whose still trying to ride the coattails of her daughter’s success.

He stabbed her more than once, while raping her. Only her quick thinking saved her life. The judge and the prosecutor should be brought up on charges for the crimes they committed against her. And didn’t the New Orleans prosecutor do the same to a rape victim there? Our justice system along with every other treats

I’m going to use that from now on. I don’t hope they rot in hell, I hope they rot in my hell. Because the hell in my imagination is fucking brutal to child killers, and would destroy religious zealots as they begged for forgiveness. Yeah, people like this take my writer’s mind to a dark place.

Right? They look like kids themselves. But fundamentalists want girls married young and pregnant. Easier to control that way.

That’s how most religions are. I can only think of a couple that actually value women and children as equals to men, and not spiritually, in every way.

I’m so proud I voted for her.

At my daughter’s school someone scratched swastikas into a few desks, and my daughter jumped to the defense of a good friend who was called a terrorist. Her friend was crushed and didn’t know how to react, but my daughter told them off.