
Just look at the comments on the Buzzfeed article, the rightwingers are of course, dismissing, defending, or literally claiming fake news. And there’s the people saying so what I was bullied? I frequent the Buzzfeed comments section, and the Trumpians are the most willfully ignorant, bigoted, sexist(men and women) and

The replies to King’s tweet will restore a modicum of faith, or at least make you smile.

Its rightwing manipulation. They despise those that are politically correct, changing the meaning to suit their agenda, while they’re patriotically correct. It’s false patriotism, flag pins, the flag is sacrosanct, these colors don’t run, American exceptionalism, support our troops while voting consistently against

All the level headed men making decisions for us. Thank God we don’t have too many women in power. All those female emotions running wild, all hell would break loose!

Not even remotely the same, but thanks for playing.

Titus Lemonading has to be one of my favorite episodes of the show. It was so funny and he pulled it off perfectly. And then to do something selfless for someone else made it touching. Titus and selfless is a huge step for the character. He’s done nice things before but he usually always got something out of it. I

The misogynist twitter horde supports him, so in his twisted logic, everyone supports him and he’s a hero.

To know when to express emotion and when not to is very different than harnessing. Come on, that’s sexist language, and maybe you honestly don’t see that. But that’s the reality. Look, I think you’re genuinely trying to do the best you can, and let’s leave it at that.

How to express emotion and when not to. You do know that men are more emotional than women right? Science. But again, your sexism shines through. Goodnight and good luck. You are definitely an MRA.

And here I was beginning to believe you might be one of those mythical MRAs, I’ve heard whispers about who isn’t sexist. But no, men=strong and aggressive, women=weak and soft. And apparently we aren’t self reliant. Lack of male role models in the classroom is because of men and how education is considered women’s

I’m sorry for what happened to you and glad you found help. Everyone deserves that. But I’m not going to go to a forum and reread some of the awful comments I’ve seen from men claiming to be MRAs to male rape victims just to prove something to you.

Feminism is about equality of the sexes, full stop. To call it equalism is cowardly. It’s to make it appealing to those who refuse to use a word with feminine in it. Because we can’t have that, it’s not masculine enough.

The MRA line is all about this feminized world turning men into second class citizens. And the fastest growing demographic for suicide in this country is teenage girls, they’re catching up to middle aged men. Yes,every issue you just laid out needs to be addressed, but all I see MRA organizations do is blame and bitch

This is the first time I watched the twitter tantrum as it happened. It was funny at first. But when you think about the president rapid fire tweeting from the white house at the moment you’re reading them it gets depressing. The republicans need to step up and put country before party. This man is unhinged.

Of course he’d do the same to you. You’re a woman, and women get hysterical and need men to rein them in. That is their belief across the board.

I read the one by Enriquez. It was, unsurprisingly, full of bullshit. Like the majority of the country wants to outlaw abortion. I was angry they allowed it in the paper. I get it was an op-ed, but when she’s distorting actual facts, and seems to believe she speaks for the majority of women, it shouldn’t be in the NY

Me too. Vampires, angels, demons, an all sort of people from the good, to the psychotic. And I write from the point of views of men and women, teenagers and kids. What?! As a woman I guess I can write teenage girls and women, but otherwise I should just stay in my lane.

Well of course she doesn’t. You essentially told her she was being hysterical, and dismissed her point of view entirely. And yes, it can always happen here. The U.S. being less religious than its ever been means nothing, especially when you have people in power who want to cram their religion down our throats, and

Buzzfeed is where I read that. The article there is much more in depth, and horrifying. It’s just another example of fraternities being places where humanity is left at the door.

I have to say I take a little solace from the fact that the amount of likes his tweet storm received are low. As time passes his tweets are getting less love, while Obama’s get tons. He will never be as beloved as Obama and it rankles.