
Easy there champ. You’re obviously triggered and getting way too emotional. Just calm down and find your safe space where you can get those fee fees under control.

Birthrates are falling in many western countries precisely because of cost. Couples are opting out because they can’t afford to have children. It sucks that that’s where we are now.

Yes and no. She helps others, mainly kids, but she’s the classic example of physician heal thyself.

I have a loved one who’s rage has festered, and while she has every right to her anger, it hasn’t made her life better. It’s made her bitter and miserable. I love her dearly, and she deserves some damn happiness, but at this point it s a zero sum game, you’re either with her or against her. I don’t see a whole lot of

Aww, its ok little one. Decency is often triggering to hate-filled, willfully ignorant bigots. I know its tough to deal with actual facts, like sanctuary cities are safer then others. What?! But Fox and Breitbart, and all the other bigots insist otherwise! They are liars, and believe, without a doubt, that their

You’re an incredible person to get to this place in your life after what was done to you. I am so glad forgiveness has set you free from the pain and hate, and so sorry you had to find that strength within you to begin with.

Women are just as misogynistic as men.

The day I knew I was most definitely not having another child was the morning my daughter got breakfast all by herself. I never saw myself as a mother, and I love my daughter more than anything. But that was one of the best mornings of my life after childbirth. The day I got to sleep in. One and done.

All that changed is that I love mine, and I dislike other people’s. But in all honesty, my indifference only became dislike because most children really are awful miniature versions of the worst adults.

I have both of those in my family. And to them I’m the bad guy who needs to give our president a chance. This election really has divided our country like no election has in recent history. I’ve always lived by the belief that we all want the same things and need to come together with our different views to make it

I was on my phone and unable to edit. I’m home now, so... I know the argument, and that even in certain medical journals it was listed as a masturbation deterrent. I remember that. But as far as how it became popular in the west I guess we can both offer links to prove our position. But tell me, if a man wasn’t

Prove it. I do know for a fact that evangelical Christians practiced FGM in the U.S. in different pockets of the country, and you’re right the same groups viewed circumcision as a masturbation deterrent. But that is not even remotely how it became popular in the west.

It’s also the only power many woman in those communities wield, and they don’t want to give it up.

Lots of cases of FGM are less damaging? Bullshit. You’re a hateful person, seek help.

No one has tried to make circumcision no big deal. No one at all. You are the one jumping down people’s throats for saying its not the same as FGM, and it isn’t. Circumcision is wrong, I was heartbroken when my nephews had it done to them. Their fathers insisted. Their fathers. But FGM is a crime committed against

Except they’re doing it in Egypt to stop their daughters from becoming whores who men from good families won’t marry. So no, we do not look at circumcision and female genital mutilation the same. They are done for completely different reasons.

Not all the wives were barren. So if your wife had a viable womb you didn’t get a handmaid to rape every month.

Should no better and no brainer. 13 year olds aren’t known for their stellar impulse control. Not to mention the need to look like a bad ass to all their friends, which never brings out the best in anyone much less teenagers.

They are the ones embracing identity politics. Their identity is they liberals/progressives. And that’s it. It’s all they are, pure hatred for half their countrymen.

Bullshit. Listen and believe? That is in no way true. But hey, the truth isn’t important here. What’s important is your clear bullshit bias.