
the show’s hilarious. it’s also not a delivery system for news or in-depth reporting and should not be treated as such

diversity will fix the collusion? the ownership’s interests? the reporting only what will drive the highest ratings?

i’m guessing that’s his daughter. another guess is his projected anger stems from his knowing that a woman has infinite more football knowledge than he does.

totally Alex. Like that AT&T CEO that’s trying to buy the world and was up for a job with W., right? what’s his name? Randall Stephenson? Are you sure? Oh.

Sure, they look a little dorky

no, it’s in my worst interest. we know where HRC gets the majority of her campaign $. i bet those people want a return on their investment. it’s incredibly naive to think that HRC is going to take all that $$$, get elected thanks to it, then turn around and screw those people over by getting $$$ out of politics

That’s not what she meant by private vs. public positions. What she meant is like how Tim Kaine is on abortion. As a Catholic, he’s personally against it and would never be for it, but as a politician he isn’t using his power to enact sweeping restrictions on abortion. That’s public vs. private positions.

that’s just it, “center-right” is NOT all of those things...

yeah and he said “to be fair”

or more accurately, “As long as politicians need to court big banks/wall street, they’ll never reach/do right by their base.”

completely agree, more competent and more qualified than Donald Trump. that’s not exactly setting the bar very high. you and I have DJT beat dead to rights on those fronts on our worst days. so it’s a terribly weak argument and not nearly good enough for any candidate to earn your vote.

it was implied.

for starters, policies of ‘mass deportation, mass incarceration, fracking, endless and in HRC’s case, expanded war, serving the 1% at the expense of the 99%’ certainly wouldn’t be described as “imperfect”

so 4 more years of mass deportation, mass incarceration, fracking, endless and in HRC’s case, expanded war, serving the 1% at the expense of the 99%. well in that case...

like she said in the leaked Goldman Sachs speech transcripts, “you have a public position [the one you pay lip service to] and you have a private position [the one you act on]”

“i’m center-right” is nothing?

if her policies are your concern then you definitely don’t want to take a head in the sand approach to these leaks

in other words, you don’t beleive anything negative reported about HRC. sounds familiar...

Trump supporters on a variety of imageboards have been sifting through the emails for anything compromising.

don’t forget Giuliani spoke before Trump came on stage today and called his latest accusers “liars”