
tweet something dismissive about white/British people

Gostkowski FTW!

Or they could just update the remote app and fb can go you know what

totally pointless, directionless article

which is why he was all alone yes, but he still had him beat by a good step and catching it in stride, he’d very well have been gone

my SO is an atheist.


no idea what you’re trying to say

haha touche. i want to like it and i’m still pulling for it to find its legs, but in my (wrong) opinion, a lot of the jokes are untinteinally cringe worthy or miss completely

good because, at least so far, the new daily show stinks

a thousand nopes

so how about the naked chick in the picture at the top of this story?

not fourth and niners?

never have

does this release make WiFi usable again??

this is even better than a real life version of The Room.

i don’t find the bat flip disrespectful to pitchers or anyone else. it’s just played

by far the best advice here: say names clearly and repeat them often

despite the fact that it worked i think it was an insanely bad call. shotgun snap?! yeah, lets willingly take the ball from the 1 to the 5 in a wildcat formation when we could either run a higher percentage run or simply kick the field goal and force OT.

that was all rather embarassing