This is nice and a but I'd really like it if this replaced clickhole
This is nice and a but I'd really like it if this replaced clickhole
Miley Cyrus?!
What kind of psychology refers to the good herb as bin laden?!
they look like college uniforms
You really need to rethink your use of the word boner
if i wrote this all it would say is "if you stopped wearing it, that'd be fine"
Listen to all you hand-wringing high-horsers. Pathetic. Print’s dying dipshits, gotta sell some copies somehow. It’s fine if every other magazine on earth has hot chicks on the cover but not Golf Digest! Why is it ok for all the others?
I’d argue your take on the side boob cover stor, specifically that it was all a cash grab is plainly sexist toward women and Lexi in particular. The irony is off the charts considering what the majority of her (gasp!) exposed epidermis is supposed to imply - the strength of women. If that was lost on you, refer to the…
mad at the guy for being late to his own dumping. what a horrible person
dude is the man!
there’s students and alumni of duke and then there’s some people that just like to watch the world burn.
no milk in cereal. had both eggs and seafood for the first time in 20 years in the last few weeks.
david tyree’s catch
that's how he's always looked
this is actually really interesting. it's a case study in how up their own ass NFL team owners are. unless you hear about the flight on the news because of Jameis, you don't need to know about his in-flight behavior. you fucking self-important psychopaths.
hahahah love it
these people invoking a book to subsidize their hate need to grow a pair and just say "we really don't like gay people and think gay sex is nasty so here's this new law". at least at that point i'd give them credit for not being pussies about it.
c'mon, cut the guy some slack, that's totally sweet
shit duds! that's great/terrible. and also similar to this short and amusing poop story: