
c'mon, cut the guy some slack, that's totally sweet

shit duds! that's great/terrible. and also similar to this short and amusing poop story:

Eff this New Facebook Order. I know what you're doing: trying to infiltrate my phone with all your apps until every byte and packet, coming or going, is digitally masticated by you guys for your ad revenue cash machine and off the books deals with the Feds.

Eff this New Facebook Order. I know what you're doing: trying to infiltrate my phone with all your apps until every byte and packet, coming or going, is digitally masticated by you guys for your ad revenue cash machine and off the books deals with the Feds.


i like Madonna!

mash-ups have NEVER been cool

thanks KLARNO

"Where does Frozen rank among the whitest movies ever made? The part of me that believes deep down everyone's a closet racist attributes the movie's massive popularity to the fact that it makes Hoosiers look like New Jack City."

once this hits college campuses, kids WILL die. yes, they'll die from liquid alcohol too, but here's ANOTHER way for them to die of alcohol poisoning.

weed?! hell no!


You can be chillin at home on the couch and want to check your watch.

or buy one now, keep it in the box, sell it for twice its price in a couple years

that makes no sense

Yes we do professor kill joy

"The watch is meant to be used out-and-about" says who?

the phrase royal ass-hat is funny, so you are forgiven.


shouldve done it sooner. its a brilliant move.