
Aside from squabbling about the meaning of honor, which is a ttly weird word choice, when the MLB sanctions a player for drugs, I assume they provide treatment for the player right?

i didnt prove your point.

You're using that word incorrectly but I know what you mean. Anyway not a fanboy at all, I couldnt give a shit. I own all sorts of brands of tech. iOS is just far more streamlined and intuitive. Android feels cobbled together and disorganized...like a book report written by a kid who conspired with his 2 buddies to

thank goodness for iOS

had a tinder date that started off with about 3-4 beers at a high-top table at a bar. going fine enough. we decide to walk up the block to another bar. during the very short walk she says 'man ive gotta pee' and i echo her sentiment. before i know it, she leans her back up against a wall pulls down her skirt and

relationships are reserved for sociable people. got it.

im just gonna stick with the dont have kids approach, cuz ya know, there's enough of us and that sounds like a lot of work.

i'll have to give it another watch but it just felt like "everythings dark, ppl are very dirty and dont eat well and then theres the super rich at the other end of the train, then they try to overtake the rich people. end movie."

thanks Jake, good post.

snowpiercer blew. why did ppl like that movie?

much ado about nothing.

"it ain't exactly UNbiblical like NOT sacrificing our baby, NOT enslaving people or NOT lording over your subjugated wife. but it sure it ain't a good thing!"

it's new right? but the outlook app is busy as hell, hurts my eyes, too much shit all over the place, no thanks.

hearing"blah blah, DOT COM" on a radio commercial when i was 11/12 back in 94/95 and not knowing wtf they were talking about. thought it was something to do with the stock market.

probably should've been a private conversation between the presenter and his gf and it should've gone more like, "why are you giving out your number to other guys?"

never used chrome, always been on firefox (by always, i mean, since Opera which came not long after like IE 6). chrome's ugly. the name's ugly. the icon's ugly.

hurr hurr!

cant wait for the tattoo fad to go away.

this is awesome! takes me back, man. kid's got skills!

VS catalogue blows and so does SI.