
yes, i have tried to subdue someone like that, sometimes its hard, sometimes its easy. no argument this could've ended a lot worse for innocent people. we just disagree on the price of taking him to jail. if you're an idiot and a pussy, by all means, stun away. i just don't think that's the case for most cops. they're

what's really scary is how well conditioned we are now to accept that as reasonable force. that's just the times we live in, right? cops gotta have armored vans, tanks, swat teams, assault files, armor that exceeds armor our own soldiers have for actual combat. totally normal.

jeese, that's unbelievable. reminds me of where the buffalo roam when the kid gets 4 years for 1 joint.

maybe, but it's beside the point isn't it? the point being, it's extremely excessive to electrocute someone with wired fish hooks from 30 yards away just because they refused to 'get down on the ground'.

oh ok, doesn't read that sarcastic :)

also that incident with the dog, fuckin a man, that was heartbreaking

i'm a lot bigger now than i was at 18. i also didnt know shit when i was 18. and was as mature as, well, a freshman in college, so, extremely immature.

how much did the kid with brownies get?

well no, he didn't

missed the point entirely

no i wouldnt have because i'm not a police officer. ...btw, they DID risk injury to the kid, remember? it's almost as if you think being in risky situations shouldn't be a part of a cop's job.

well then, you're not very bright. kid could've had a pacemaker, which is truly beside the point. electrocuting someone much smaller than you and when there's more of you than him as a means to subdue them is the definition of being a pussy.

wtf is wrong with cops?! "we're a few very large 30-something year old men, there's no way we could possibly subdue this scrawny child; let's ELECTROCUTE him!"

if it's a fave band of mine, i'll get the CD (on top of the record) for hi-fi car listening

just ignore her, dont complain, its pointless, just stop writing about her and paying attention and giving her publicity. ignore it and itll eventually go away

more like "God Bless HUHmerica"

due totally, he's got that kinda face that screams, ' i have a lot of effing tattoos and also, i'll kill you if you tell my mom about them.'

the bible also gives advice on how to handle your slaves

proud FSU alum and big Seminoles fan here...i don't disagree with any of this.

the dream of the 90s is alive in PDX