
they shouldnt want to but before it became the foreclosure capital of the nation, it was the #1 boomtown in the nation and it's already back up on the upswing in a big way

that is effing AWESOME

thats not really relevant

im lucky enough to do most of my flying between Reagan and Ft. Myers....the 2 easiest airports to get in and out of in the country

i dont know what or if "M is for Mancy' is a reference to but that's a funny handle

cigar city's jai alai IPA is where it's at

youre clearly not a PJ fan. they play that song at almost every show. last time they played yield cover to cover? maybe never. or even several of those songs? very rarely.

the real story of this show was that they played Yield in its entirety from start to finish. Hummus!

whoever owns one of these 3d printers, can you please print me a 3d printer? thanks.

just trying to be as cool as brady and edelman.

i foresee a lot of broken glass in the future of whoever buys this.

curious, when you inevitably lose the stylus, how much does a replacement cost?

Yuengling is for college sophomores that have discovered 'dark beer'.

i HIGHLY recommend DC's Atlas Brew Works' Rowdy for a rye beer.

they did....30 years ago

isnt the crappiness part of the appeal?

he did what? autographed some shit and got $100 for it? let's destroy his life!

this is....awesome!

this made me crack up so hard

regarding Reid's clock management:"Why is he so bad at this?"