
Alternate headline: "World Series Games Steadily Declining in Length Since 2005"

A sports blog too cool for the World Series but earnestly asks what Americans' favorite Champions League teams are.

Goto google.com, search for "local record store".

seriously! but anyway, you still appear to be contradicting yourself. i'm not saying you're wrong, i'm just not following your explanation....and not following apple's explanation either, still.

dude, you totally contradicted yourself: ""All" shows, you guessed it, ALL notifications that you haven't cleared. "Missed" shows.... yep... MISSED notifications. Those that you haven't already seen and/or cleared."

I read that 'Missed' were the ones that 'you didn't act on'. fuck man, I don't act on 75%+ of notifications. Just get rid of one them ('All' or 'Missed'); this is Apple's iOS; if a feature requires dorks like us to THEORIZE on its purpose it needs to hit the cutting room floor with a nauseating thud.

please everyone stop talking!!

"notifications themselves are split into All and Missed subcategories, which are inscrutable enough that I'm still not totally sure what the difference is." OMG THIS DRIVES ME INSANE!! WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE?!

this explanation makes it (him) wayyyyy weirder

"bad form"?!! shut up, old man; that was effing BOSS.

so you're saying 1/2 of FL is getting screwed they're getting 2/3 of their state's teams?

this guy definitely sucks at beer pong

Kyle, you know when you type "Sh-t" as a means to not actually say 'shit', the reader still thinks the word 'shit'. might as well go nuts and toss in that obscene 'i'

well it said 'suspended for the season', implying the football season. i doubt you would get suspended from school for an entire year, right?

what an embarrassingly bad article. the whole apologetic argument is 'people are too busy; gotta save for your retirement; sports are intrusive'?! that's your defense?! absolutely mental.


this gif is wrong.


lifelong bruins fan and i love his comment. he felt screwed over and rejected, how else should he respond?

this articles has many too much errors. having pride and proofread