Tim Church

That is (as I wrote & you have now proven) really saying I'm "…barely making any sense" TO YOU, which is also therefore not ON or b/c of me.

You clearly didn't see the self-contradiction, or (I assume) you wouldn't have done it.

I'm a lifelong Ohioan, & I hear that Cleveland is sending their reservations (holding back, not for a hotel) to the induction ceremonies in NY as long as Allentown is considering a museum just for him & he is (something like) an "Artist In Residence" weekly at Madison Square.

Disco = Slipped minimally once a week-o by people who ever considered that music.

Obama earned his offices with truth & reasonable support. Trump earned his with support from other countries, the same people he now wants to rid of.

I'm sure he has several now, & he still wrote & recorded with them last year (he missed some episodes of the '60s show due to having no voice while selling hits rejected by Kirshner to Rondstadt).

There's a chance, as word has it he's as much deceased as he is clean from drugs & deserving of being in the Hall.

A] In times like these when we have movie actors coming to TV adaptations of movies ("Fargo", etc.) & other former stars of shows writing, directing, & starring in movie versions of TV shows (Dax Shepard & "CHiPS"), that could be a big part of what it took for one of them to agree to do it, or for as long as they did,

Yet the Monkees, who actually sang & fought until they earned the right to record themselves playing their own instruments, STILL have not been inducted into the Hall.

First (& only) of all, you are wrong.

I agree with many, but not Mischa… I was sick of the main storyline focus on her & Ben, but she seemed to be like an elephant in the room: Not seen, but mentioned once a minute.

I knew little-to-nothing about Bruce before "Burn Notice", & saw no "Evil Dead" stuff prior to Season 2 of this (not sure I had channel prior to that, but read Bruce was doing show instead of discussed "Burn" spinoff).

I don't know what I said is not factual. However, I supposed that didn't matter when responding to you, as you have claimed knowledge of many facts we both were always aware were not facts &/or you had no knowledge of.

1] I won't write about the error they made when I don't necessarily agree it was an error, nor do I necessarily agree with your supposed outcome… Not to mention every time you type that, I believe it has included the same error.

B] The error of keeping Leno on the network or the error of not keeping Conan hosting one of their talk shows? (Honestly, if Conan hosted one & Seth had the other, ratings would be amazing!)

I know what facts are & what contradiction is. You either fail to know what they are, or simply think comments on articles are supposed to be nothing but speculation, other statements that have no evidence for or against them, & then the big ones: Statements that contradict what you yourself wrote before (in previous

I admitted no such thing. I admitted what you claim to be a fact (one you can perhaps actually prove) that he "exploded out of the gates", but the fact is that the ratings would be just as high if guests appeared tomorrow night alone with Fallon having permanently left that floor of the building.

A] I would care if I spelled things correctly if you hadn't already proven you make spelling errors & either don't notice, don't care, or both.

You don't have any clue what Williams told anyone other than yourself, & more-recent history has shown even what he says/writes may not be trustworthy.

Actually, I know a lot more than I often think I do about TV. You, on the other hand, seem to think you know more, & rightfully should, as you try to state the obvious like you're stating news, & misspell at least one word each time.