Tim Church

I don't believe what they say b/c I'm not mindless, not a yes-man, & don't believe a network named after initials would misspell "you're" on a contract.

He didn't succeed "immediately", or even yet! Many posts mentioning him seem to say he's a horrid host, questioner, & listener, among other things.

You can put it all of the ways you want, but none of them will make what you say correct.

By the time NBC tried to get the show away from him, Leno had far overstayed his welcome already. Also, Conan only got beat by Letterman b/c Letterman had been a host in that time-slot a long time & Conan was new.

We both have a right to our opinions, & you stating yours as though they are proven facts does not make them such.

NBC asked if he might stay, only hosting the show with a change in time-slot & 80 others things, so he could be the one all the fans hated instead of the network when all the changes were made.

The guest is supposed to be the focal point (why they & not the host change nightly). However, while Fallon laughs nonstop & refuses to speak, he is used to "SNL", where he was the one (in his mind) the audience & camera should always be watching.

Jimmy is indeed crushing it. The only shame is he didn't start with the skull or heart when he tried to kill it, so NBC could've acted by now & put it out of its misery.

No; Wishes & concrete mean nothing (outside of the latter being in the heads of NBC execs that gave Jimmy the job, & OKed so many shows on recent schedules)…

That's what plenty of us think about Jimmy, not Jay. Anyone who thinks at all knows Jay was the best choice at the time.

Seth Meyers is great as a host. He can be funny in his monologue & at his desk before guests (the way he was on "Update" & as "SNL" head writer), but also have good, interesting conversations with guests.

I don't care if you're referring to their current talk shows, "The Tonight Show", or even comparing Fallon's return gigs (minus Timberlake & other guests) to that one episode of "SNL" that Conan hosted… Anything hosted by Conan is a million times better than the same for Jimmy, which is why Conan's show is simply

Leno &/or NBC clearly either set out to sabotage him, or at the very least, didn't try to help him. When Leno took over for Johnny, I don't recall seeing Johnny again, whereas Conan replacing Leno means you literally saw the latter prior to the former every night (some move for a guy who claimed his elderly relative

One may be greatly informed by the other. However, if both make the same man look the same way, perhaps that's just the way he truly is.

That is entirely untrue. Conan got 40-some in exchange for selling them everything he'd ever done on the show NBC never wanted to give him & moving everyone (exceot Max) across country.

Regardless of geographic location, most fans & (past & present) NBC employees agree it should be under the hosting of Conan (or Seth, or even Tina) & not Fallon.

No. He should have (maybe before that) said, "I'm Number One because the guy I'm on against stinks like Number Two (that's why he got all those great people to be on what he promised would be his last show), so I'll take a few months off, & then they can bring a new host in."

It made things a lot worse than most articles written around the time of Conan's network switch made things look/sound… NBC kept the rights to "Raymond", "the bear", and the majority of Conan's old stuff (bits & clips), not to mention Conan's shrug was probably partially in response to Zucker & NBC's current heads