Tim Church

Change your Disqus name to "Stcaf" or "Ytilaer"….Either reverse of "Facts" or "Reality".

"You should also know that" the sentence you wrote beginning with that phrase was actually multiple with improper separation (since there was none at all).

I started to read this comment seeing it was a reply specifically to my comment, & stopped when I realized it was 95% claims of which you have no idea of the accuracy.

You both seem to miss the irony of that statement: The only way to improve the "Ted" franchise is to make no more films in it, the same way Nolan ended his Batman trilogy well largely b/c he confirmed it was over.

You are of course referring to the moviegoers' fingers, as those filmmakers would be giving all moviegoers a big middle finger in the air if they made anything feature-length with those characters again.

It's TNT! [Totally Not True] Also, it barely took this regime/administration that long to destroy the whole country.

Which makes it a fair fight for the next one: "Return Of The [Pile Of] Shia".

The only good time to get out is before you've paid the money (the smaller of the amounts you'll pay).

Whatever viewers did to make the first look enjoyable they can do also with the latter ones. What was exhausted before Bay is what anyone can do with Shia… Why not, with Mark now done, we take the "Wonder Woman" route, & team the women from Mark's with Megan?!

I saw the 2nd without seeing the first (after seeing Rainn Wilson plug it somewhere). Also, Mark in place of Shia is better (just as Ryan replacing Mark in the TV version of "Shooter" is).

The ones in need of excuses are Bay & the filmmakers who stole the millions of dollars from the moviegoers.

Personally, I doubt that. I bet he uses some of the money to invest in the films (& make multiple times the investment back), some to get others to be credited directors instead of him (like on the "TMNT" films), & some to pay women to act-out the Hitler personality Megan Fox influenced in him.

The smart part of that is not getting them at all, but doing so on your auto & not your anatomy so they can be cheaply removed or sold to another idiot.

However, when & wherever, & with whoever he wants. He is the director not writer, so storyline has nothing to do with him. Regardless, the second you have viewed a second of any of them, you have given someone your money, so it doesn't matter if they earn it or not.

Anyone who makes one of these movies should be done after the first… Shia's last film sold less tickets than it would take a hand to count, & the franchise ruined the good career Duhamel had going on TV!

I am not grumpy, nor a father, nor having any access in quite some time to my own Facebook account… Nor do I hold any of those opinions that you claim I "forgot".

It might be, if it were fact & not your clearly biased claim [probably not even an opinion you truly hold in the "Space(balls)" you call a brain].

Far as I know, the man is dead, & had no music to write about.

Nobody can get in there anymore!

It's not stupid… But having the Hall in one city & inductions in another? Idiocy.