Tim... Tim Bukinoski

I saw it on a plane, and my boyfriend had to shush me repeatedly as I couldn’t stop laughing out loud at its utter awfulness. It was just...atrocious on every level.

shut up

Look at her.

You’re a neo-dickhead. Go back under the bridge.

This might be the first time I’ve ever seen anyone brag which University is best in Canada. They’re literally all the same. Signed, a guy with degrees from two Canadian Universities. And Harvard Business School. 

So, then, you’re saying that you are a coward? OK.

Yeah, nope. Either you’re confused (you do seem like the kind of under-educated dolt that spends all his time on the Internet) or you’re unwilling to cop to your own convictions (you do seem like the kind of cowardly dolt that uses the anonymity of the Internet to hide from the real world). 

Look, a conservative troll is telling everybody to give up, voluntarily. We should totally do it! He has a dubious grasp of economics and everything!

Fuck off. But just you specifically.

No, you’re referring to a different statement, on SNL’s stage, where he said he didn’t care about racism in America because he succeeded. ‘Slavery was a choice’ was something he told TMZ. Yes, they’re both 3 letters, but they’re 3 totally different letters.

‘Democracy, I’ma let you finish, but fascism has the best ideology of all time! Oh, and slavery was a choice!’

Well I can’t imagine anyone will have an opinion on this. 

Thank you!  What in the absolute FUCK?!

Weirdly enough I recognized him as Humperdoo in his very first scene on the show just from the weird way he ran.

Replace the whole fucking thing with a science fair.

Same where I grew up - and my mom still lives. Rural south, no residential delivery. It was always my assumption growing up that everyone had a PO Box. 

Please hurry!