Tim... Tim Bukinoski

I take that as a compliment.

They'll probably be fine in the long run.

Agreed and with that the child development thing I question what exactly we’re talking about. If you’re getting your ten year old wasted, yeah that’s bad. If a kid tastes and has a little alcohol that’s probably doing practically nothing. Stressors can have advantageous effects on the body well unless you have a

Stomp 2 - The Suburban HOA rebellion

Sounds like - pre fixe for quick bites like a catering company would offer, slang for queen bee, a queefing furby.

Or a pale short haired Mariah Carey.

I feel like it will all be very clearly never explained in some pretentious way.

It’s much harder to do than I expect both times I tried and not exactly fun, plus I had make-up on the second time and I was in no way ruining it by really trying. Side note: Once I was at a bar that had apple bobbing in a tank with live baby eels. It was entertaining to watch and I also choose not to do it then.

I thought it looked like his Dad and wasn't a warning necessarily, but a sign that this has to happen, but it will be fine.

A Steak Umm Poptart would probably just be a Hot Pocket. It might be better in a Toaster Streudal really. They could try to prove that.

Lets just pretend Leto Joker never happened. It's better that.

They lost Taylor Swift and DC all in one week. Maybe Uwe Boll can get hired for something for them. 

I don't think The Ramones are doing a new song for this unless that happens.

I doubt Tina Fey went oh well Ellie Kemper can give me stock tips so I guess I have to hire her for the lead in my new show. If she sucked at comedy she might exist in the industry as something regardless, but she wouldn't have gotten where she is without talent.

Some place as rural as North Dakota must have a lot of PO Box addresses and not even just Native Americans. I can’t see how this could be possibly be deemed fair. If you’re a US citizen and are registered you can vote that’s the fucking rule. Fuck all of these people. 

Hope so!

It's nice they found each other. 

It seemed like there was a decent movie in there somewhere, but even the last attempts at saving it seemed to do it harm