Tim... Tim Bukinoski

Have you ever commented about something other than The Last Jedi? I feel actual pity for whatever headspace you must be in to obsess over something you hate this much nearly a year after release.

oh fuck, sisko’s been summoned, now hes gonna troll the liberals epic style😎😎😎😎

Dong Ding?!?! No no...this won’t do. This won’t do at all. Someone get Doorbell Repair on the phone immediately!!

Don wasn’t the only emotionally abusive guy on the show. Just the most overt one.

I love bats. I feel very badly for this bat. Unless it has rabies and is there to bite someone. Actually, I still feel bad for the bat.

Don’t let this little dude (or dudette) near a MAGA hat. It might get the Kanye crazy-rabies.

That’s a questionable crowd. I hope the bat doesn’t get rabies.

Wait... Was that what Angelus plan was? Is it weird that the only thing I really remember about that season 2 is this.

The British show Miranda would benefit from it too - seriously funny sitcom & with a live-audience would’ve accentuated that,but the canned laughter is so aggressively offputting I can’t recommend it to anybody. 

i heard they were tricked into punching it and then just got stuck.

When you start a new relationship it’s always interesting to see if your pets will get along. Will Drogon and Ghost share the same food bowl by the season finale? 

Baraka Kaseko is black but he’s mostly involved with video production. 

Santa Clause is white. He just is. Thanks Megyn.

I don’t get this acting or movie stuff either. It’s all Greek to me.

No, the Committee for The War On Christmas Greater Strategy Planning met recently and we decided to postpone the big fall push until the Committee To Scare Parents About Halloween Candy got a chance to fully get through their 5 Point Plan.

Yeah, I really can’t understand the argument. “You can remember the person who tried to rape you but not the house?”  Of course, the attempted RAPIST would be what you remembered most.

It is October 1, shouldn’t Megyn be concerned about the ramping up of the war on Christmas and that Jesus and Santa are white?

Some where there is a giant building, possibly built in the brutalist style. In these building are teams of men who work tirelessly to create cruel blonde women for Fox News in tubes.

I’m 100% sure of this.

Let’s say the Megyn Kelly was sexually assaulted in a room where two men were present, the door was locked and the music turned up. She managed to escape. Years later, the man who assaulted her is questioned about her allegations by the police. The other man who was there, he says he doesn’t remember.

When Mr. Lanthimos asks you to do weird shit, Yorgos for it.