
It was neither funny nor goofy.

What an obnoxiously written article. If you can’t write from an unbiased perspective, you shouldn’t be posting it as “news” - this is more of an editorial. 

Kotaku is nothing but clickbate trash. I don’t even care about these games, but this “article” is just pure trash meant to drum up comments. My biggest regret is actually commenting, right behind actually clicking on this link thinking there would be any content worth reading.

It’s supposed to be funny, particularly if you read to the end to see the flipped take, but it doesn’t do a lot for me. Which is fine, as an article doesn’t need to, but I think they felt like it’d read better than it does since the vibe just ends up being exhausting for the first half. Oh well.

It wasn’t funny though. It was silly, ignorant, and amateurish.

John, I get that you couldn’t get a REAL writing job and feel the need to project your woes onto the subject matter you have chosen to write about, and if that is the height of your career aspirations, you shoot your shot, to the best of your middling ability, but this is pretty high level cringe and not doing you any

I can’t tell if this is supposed to be funny, or if it’s just incredibly stupid. This is the Poe of videogame takes.

I did! Commented about this but still pending. I remember loving them but I remember more about how amazing the printing was then the actual details of the story which is maybe not a great sign. Pages were all age-dyed and had really awesome typeface and occasional sketches inserted and all. I had the hardcovers.

What a weird attempt at being edgy

Fuck you Myst is good

I love it when people get mad at remakes as if the making of said remake is going to prevent other games being made.  You don’t want to play a remake, what do you care then?  Let the fans enjoy and live and let live.  Jesus.

We don’t want internet editors to come up with something better.

So basically they shot a bunch of stuff and weren’t sure what the movie was going to be until editing. And they don’t want you to see or know that.

Whoever wrote this article - Libby Watson has an ego issue. You come across as a massive arrogant dick, appointing yourself judge and jury. Don’t bother letting readers make up their mind... noooo, just tell them what to think and who to condemn. Readers can’t think for themselves see, we need Gizmodo staff writers

You all appear to have a serious vendetta with Uber.

It almost makes one wonder if you are receiving a stipend from medallion owners for every hit piece you write.

His game, his decision. He doesn’t owe “preservationists” anything.

Seems like the hip thing nowadays is to talk about how awesome Majora’s Mask is and how overrated OoT is. I think it boils down to gameplay vs. story. As people get older, they care more about story so it’s not too surprising. Disappointing, but not surprising.

Probably because at those prices collectors were refusing to buy a second box set to keep unopened on the shelf.

Isle of Skye. Scotland, U.K. By Steve Stanley.