Timothy Bisley

Probably, but you should read the original novel anyway.

Two friends and I got about an hour into Damien : Omen II when we were aged 8 before finally buckling. That film is responsible for more of my nightmares than any other piece of popular culture.

Lieutenant Columbo. No one comes close to Falk.

Great actor, cool guy.

A day devoted to the most annoying thing about a really annoying movie. I think I'll sit this one out. Wake me up when it's the day Bill and Ted travel to in Excellent Adventure.

Simpson was half-dead by the time of The Rock. He was barely on set and Bruckheimer has already announced that the film would be their last collaboration, due to Simpson's excessive drug use.

When you can't make it through a 30 second video, the Internet has not done a great job.

>Are we to assume that the first Terminator has gone back in time to
1984, but that the second one hasn’t yet made his trip to 1991?

Wow, those Matrix sequels look epic. I can't wait for May.

That's probably because she is. She uses Received Pronunciation in GoT, which is no more her real accent than the one she used in Terminator.

This is great. Nicely acted, extremely well-edited and a solid central idea.

All of those movies were preceded by a great 2nd movie. The X-Files does not have that "disadvantage".

Nobody's favourite movie.

Rocky IV should be nowhere near the bottom. I love Balboa, and am psyched to see Creed…but if you're going to go elsewhere with the series, then Rocky IV is a perfect example of that.

It was BBC2, wasn't it? I thought the Christmas Special (also the last episode) was very good and showed great promise for the second series that never came.

Didn't get the respect it deserved, this show.

>the race between Ford and Daniel Craig for Least Fuck-Giving Actor In A Franchise Property is currently a tie.

Very fond of it, and have actually seen it more times than Pulp Fiction. Good cast, nice dialogue and it bounces along at a pleasing pace.

There was another lady in the Star Wars galaxy?

It was a little odd that there was no mention of "The Impossible Girl" stuff. I guess they wanted to distance themselves from that because it was all Smith-era.