Timothy Bisley

I could never understand how Dil used to have more hair than Tommy. I mean, now it makes sense, but as babies? Not so much.

I think I'd shove Leah Remini into "Mildly irritating", given that she's now making a shitload of money out of proclaiming that she used to be a complete dumb-ass.

Er, how is the Flux Capacitor a Deus Ex Machina? Maybe put the "Big Book of Film Criticism Phrases" away…

To *whom*.

>The last take on it–Mystery Inc.–was considered by many to be the
best version in recent memory (an opinion that I seem to be in the
minority of having, which I’ll get into a bit in the Stray Observations)


I love Grease 2. I started off being ironic about it, but I fear it's gone past that now.

Seems like a pretty desperate urge to be seen as eccentric.

This seems a bit counter-productive without split-screens (and there are videos of that on YouTube already). If you're just cutting from parallel scenes in II to I, you're not showing anything chronologically, as you're actually skipping "back in time" slightly with each cut.

Your first example is from The Living Daylights, although it's 008 not 006 (which, considering his behaviour in GoldenEye is for the best):

I'm amused how your examples of Buffy taking things too seriously and descending into silliness are from the same episodes.

They finished filming a few days back, actually. Should air in a couple of months.

Oh, I did indeed see it breathe its last gasps after its awful last season but I'm inclined to give the final episode a pass, just for Michael's last/only line.

The friends walking into Central Perk and finding a bunch of other people sitting in "their" chairs.

I love the Mysterion stuff. OK, it ruins *that* joke, but I'm hoping we get more stuff about Kenny's condition in the future.

If you haven't seen it, try A Cock & Bull Story ("Tristram Shandy" in the US) by the same director (Michael Winterbottom) and starring Coogan and Rob Brydon.

The British sitcom Game On changed one of the main actors for its second "season". At the end of the first episode of Season 2, the three main characters sit down to watch an episode of Roseanne. One of them remarks "I wonder who's playing Becky this week"…and they stare at the character who has had a face-swap.

This is the reason I never leave the treehouse, smugly congratulating myself that I'm saving Hyrule with inactivity.

Since you brought him up, I'm fond of the scene in his "last" episode where he addresses the film crew and asks "Hey, will you guys let me know if this ever airs?" (it being a pretty ridiculous conceit that the crew had shot years of footage with nothing ever airing).

Big fan of Clara/Jenna. Hoping this isn't correct, but in anticipation of perhaps one day being able to click on Doctor Who articles and not see countless comments slating her, perhaps it's for the best if the rumours are true.