Timothy Bisley

Which is why the mentioned scene in the diner when Michael and Stephanie discuss Hamlet, and Stephanie's slow realisation that her "cool rider" obsession may have certain flaws, is so welcome.

These days I find it hard to rewatch a lot of movies; even really good ones as they often fail to win my undivided attention. Grease 2 is an exception and I schedule a watch every couple of years. It fails spectacularly at being a competent musical comedy, yet succeeds at being thoroughly entertaining because of that.

"It all sounds like a really entertaining but far-fetched TV show,”

All great action movies.


I sold my WiiU and about a dozen games a few months back. Aside from the wonderful Pikmin 3, Mario Kart 8 was the only game I was sad to say goodbye to.

Morgan knows this too, but occasionally responds to the tweets to continue the feud. He loves the publicity, good or bad, and yearns for articles like this.

Surprised there's enough room in that car for them, their presents and their egos.

“I had the two screenplays in front of me for the Independence Day 2 and for Suicide Squad. I had to choose between the two of those,”

I'm doing my bit and subscribing to his channel.

Member when South Park told a self-contained smart and funny story in 22 minutes?

Renee's death was a rare bit of weight in the latter seasons. They manged to avoid it feeling too reminiscent of Terri's death and it breathed life into the tail end of the show.

My problem with 7 is that they clearly didn't know what they were doing with Tony. It was hard enough to swallow his resurrection, harder still to work out his motivation.


I hear the ending of the next film is Bryce Dallas Howard's character tracking down Alan Grant on a remote island. Turns out he's not dead; just in hiding. She extends her arm and offers him Dr Hammond's amber cane.

I Love You, Man. Paul Rudd's portrayal as a socially awkward but extremely likeable guy, is a master-class in star quality.

"The creator of The Office". Last time I checked, he was the co-creator.

Scream 3 seemed more intent on spoofing Scooby-Doo than horror movies, but structurally, I preferred it to Scream 2; even if it's not as smart or as succinctly directed in terms of comedy or horror,

Well, maybe they should spend a little more on marketing next time. Didn't even realise this came out.

2001 : A Space Odyssey. So very boring.