This kind of asshole is why I just say “I’m sorry you have a tiny penis” when a dude like this does something that gets in my way when I’m driving.
This kind of asshole is why I just say “I’m sorry you have a tiny penis” when a dude like this does something that gets in my way when I’m driving.
I’m not sure I’d use all maple, it’s likely to get really runny and the flavor could overpower the pecan. Maybe adding some corn starch or flour to it could help it set up more.
In addition, where does the car rental company where “you can rent that occasional use vehicle” park their cars? Does the community have parking garages at the four corners for the rental companies and visitors?
But Mississippi residents who live in the 21st century
I made a pecan pie and subbed half the corn syrup for pure maple syrup. It was absolutely delicious. I told my co-worker in South Carolina about it and he said “My grandma would have slapped your face then apologized because she was a lady.”
I didn’t use a colon, though, which is how the first responder read the sentence.
The proposed tactics sound like Ford ripped them straight from a science-fiction dystopia.
I’m not referring to black and white as saturated colors. Black and white look good in addition to saturated colors.
I like the transition treatment of the C to D pillar area.
IMO, this kind of paint only looks good with deeply saturated colors, black and white.
A couple of the summer ice cream stands here have Dole Whip, usually two flavors you can get alone or swirl. My favorite is when they have the vanilla and orange so I can get a dairy-free creamscicle.
Boy, the future sounds awesome.
While they’re at it, install some wind turbines at the tops of the bridge towers to generate the electricity needed to power the LED lights at night.
I’d be interested if it was the size and ride height of a Taos.
I’m not afraid of an autonomous vehicle, because at this point it’s still just a theory despite the misnomer a certain manufacturer uses. What we have now are assistance systems that still require a trained driver to be ready to take over immediately and personally, I have no interest in using them.
We’ve seen how well police react when someone doesn’t do as they ask or say. Of course they aren’t going to immediately pay they small amount to get the information they asked for, they will fight it instead.
the irony
Driving an EV sounds like an cranky dad in autumn.