I’ve seen an SUV with the same kind of finish in a color I call “Band-Aid Beige”.
I’ve seen an SUV with the same kind of finish in a color I call “Band-Aid Beige”.
I was going to say - it looks like a neural network combined a Chrysler and Saturn.
“Smart Pound One”
Sounds like something a giant spider planning to drop down from the sky this summer would say.
Depends on what I’m eating.
Of course gas prices will have to go up, otherwise the companies can’t maintain the record profits they’ve been making.
I think they should have called it the Smart-E Pants.
The luxury brand offshoots that are platform and component shared with their ‘ordinary’ sibling. The lines in terms of quality, performance and options when it comes to luxury are so blurred, it’s just marketing at this point.
I miss BRINY.
A nitrogen-infused ginger ale would be great for tummy troubles.
Would you mind giving more information on how that works and what you do?
I didn’t figure this out until my 30's and its something I think everyone, especially men, should be learn - when someone is voicing a problem or concern that they, ask them what they want from you.
The pearl clutching faction is probably more likely to raise a daughter who won’t feel comfortable saying no to unwanted sexual advances and a son who won’t be concerned about his partner’s active consent.
Having two wolves inside me would explain why I’m overweight.
Who cares if they look bad in use - it’s dark when you need them.
I’ve always avoided McDonald’s because I’ve felt they really put out a vibe that discouraged any kind of special orders. Maybe that’s changed, because I don’t eat fast food often and they are the very last place I’d go when I do.
Does gender fluid have to be changed every 10,000?
I have a red 2018 SportWagen.
Those chargers are really cool.
Maple butter sauce like this is also great drizzled over popcorn.