
happy clown face

The changes to the rear doors and C/D pillars look nice.

Benadryl Jell-O Jigglers

I would say “No thank you. Can you process what I owe as a tip for you on a card? If not, what’s the least expensive thing I can buy and tip you the amount of my original order?”

Heated seats to me is fancy af.

Have you seen the mini ones Target has?

Luxury is just a matter of perspective. Never having them before this vehicle, the heated washer fluid nozzles and side view mirrors on my base level Sportwagen are luxurious to me.

I’ve made a small change that doesn’t seem like it would make a difference, but it does - I started saying “You’re welcome” or “My pleasure” when someone says “Thank you” to me.

it looks like it’s wilting

Can’t have a ‘boxy’ wagon because of air resistance, but EV pick-ups are continuing with the brick wall aerodynamic styling of flat front ends higher than my current Sportwagen’s roofline. Okay.

I don’t say negative things about my car (such as features I wish it had, drawbacks, etc) where is could hear me. I don’t want to hurt his feelings. 

Haven’t we all found something under the seat of a vehicle and don’t remember how it got there?

Bass (as in music, not fish)

True NY Pizza has copious amounts of bright orange oily grease that drips from the slice. 

For me - absolutely not. I would feel like a complete asshole expecting someone who’s barely getting paid a living wage by this godawful company to do something that is not time consuming that I cannot easily do myself.

The Loop – which runs underground from an area near the Convention Center’s West Hall to the South Hall, involves bringing people into Teslas at “stations.” They are then driven by a human – sorry folks, no self driving in the tunnel – through it to a drop-off point. 

I say it’s fine to pass one books that you enjoyed, but don’t want to keep, on to someone else who may enjoy them: https://www.becomingminimalist.com/20-places-to-donate-used-books/

I’m going to disagree and say that a lack of displayed books isn’t cheap and tacky, certainly not anymore than a lack of displayed films or music. If you enjoy reading from physical books and want to display your favorites, go for it. Same goes for an album or film collection. Like other media, a lot of us have gone