
Don’t have people come until an hour before dinner time. Use slow cookers and chafing dishes to keep things hot and ready to go before they get there, so your last minute tasks are manageable and it’s obvious you don’t need help. 

Pumpkin Pie

So, what color would you take your Tesla in?

I much prefer the taste of Pepsi Zero (formerly Pepsi Max) over any other cola. 

One of the things I have done that helps me when it comes to the dreaded “I’ll being seeing ______ at the family gathering is to accept the fact they will not change who they and to divorce myself of the baggage and feelings of obligation to them.

A box of really good chocolates.

I think you have a case. They were sold to you as packaged and labeled as chocolate chip.

I just accept that people have different names for the same thing, and often they don’t accurately describe what they are.

2. HELL NO! Oatmeal raisin cookies should be banned in all countries. These monstrosities are just traps lying in wait for unsuspecting chocolate chip cookie fans.

I really like the straight window line on the van, I wish it was part of the design of the ID4.

I don’t think anything on the tictac is meant to be taken seriously.

If you find yourself on a slowly raising Belgian drawbridge, it’s best not to waffle.

for me, this is a No Wey.

If Calliou had been in the car, it would be been promptly returned to the owner. 

Very much evokes current pick-up truck styling to me. 

I’ve made it slightly more attractive.

I like it. It also looks like it would lend itself well to being a bus for mass transit. 

  • Pumpkin & Gingersnap Pie, a vegan flavor that claims to be the “silkiest, custardiest of pumpkin pie ice creams” thanks to its “ultra-creamy coconut” base


Coleman didn’t actually discover the penis candy; instead, she heard about it from her next-door neighbor.